ZA 33501/13
A very well linebred Clausing on offer.
This hen has been linebred to the very best of D. Clausing.
In the pedigree are various foundation breeders to be found.
* AU 297/03 -Top Producer of winners and Ace pigeons for Out of Africa Lofts and Anthony Hyland.
* ZA GRPA 0333/10- Sire to winners and 3 x Winner, already grandsire to winners.
* "410" - Superbreeder and Foundation cock.
* CLAUSING 186/03-Current NR 1 Stock hen for D. Clausing.
* CLAUSING 115/06 "BEAR" NR 1 Stock Cock for H. Kalmeyer JNR in Ireland.
* CLAUDSING 64/04 "BABY BLUE" -Foundation hen for H. Kalmeyer JNR in Ireland.
CLAUSING 175/04 Top breeder of winners Ssiter to sire of 2012 SCMDPR Overall Ace Pigeon