ZA GPU 17251/13
Linebred to the BAK 17 Line. This line has been responsible for scoring top 5 in 6 different ONE -LOFT RACES on Hot Spots and the Final Races 2013.
Son to "DE BAKKER" Sire to 9 wins in Belgium. His children are also super breeders in Belgium.
Super Breeder of 9 Wins. A proven Breeder of Winners. Children raced:
587/07: 1st La Souterraine
566/09:5 X Winner, Also 2nd,3 x 5th, 7th, 8th, etc.
565/09: 1st Noyon, 3rd Angerville
383/09: 1st Angerville 1 818d, 4th Blois, 6th Argenton
023/06:1st Bourges,2nd Toury.Also7,4,5,5,11 Dam to winner Noyon
514/09: 2nd Angerville, 5th Angerville, 4th Angerville, 4th Noyon
515/09: 2nd Angerville (Moeder 45th National Bourges)
566/09: 5th Blois, 5th Angerville, 8th Le Mans
Nestmate brother to "Diamond Breeder BAK 17" @ Flanders Collection, Belgium. He is sire to 8 Winners.
Son "8854 970 Daughter". She is granddam to winners and Federation winners. Her nestmate sister is granddam to 1st Final Race Klapmuts Western Cape 2013
Daughter to BELG 4018079/09, "GOLDEN CARELLY". Sire to 9 wins thus far. Grandsire to 4 winners.
His progeny has also excelled in Money races for Out of Africa Lofts, with 3 direct children being Money Race Winners of R65 000 for Out of Africa Lofts, 1st 3rd and 9th GPU Baby Sales Race Winners.
His grandchild also won R8000 for Emile Slabber, 8th Position in the STRAND Race.
His other son, ZA GRPA 6421/10, Sold on sapigeon auctions to T. Boshoff.SIRE TO:
5th Overall Hot Spot Colesberg SAPIR LOFTS Winner of R5000
3rd Nominated Pigeon- Hot Spot Colesberg SAPIR LOFTS
9th Final Race Richmond SAPIR LOFTS 2013
His one daughter was also GRPA Middle Distance Ace Pigeon and a 5 x Winner 2012,
His other daughter 1st Ace Pigeon Club & GPU Union Short Distance YB Series 2013.
Related to BELG 4018079/09, "GOLDEN CARELLY". One of our best stock cocks. Sire to 10 wins thus far.
Sire to two different Ace Pigeons in two different organisations,
* GRPA Middle Distance 2012,
* GPU Short Distance 2013,
* And 5th Ace Pigeon Short Distance Old Bird Series GPU 2014 SEASON.
Grandsire to 4 winners.
ZA GPU 17912/12 -Winner- 1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU Y/B Series 2013, Current 1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance & Overall Ace Pigeon Old Bird Series GPU 2014 SEASON.
3rd Ace Pigeon Overall Club GPU Y/B Series 2013
6th Overall Ace Pigeon GPU Y/B Series 2013
Winner of GPU Young Bird Sales Race 2013 R37500
31st Club, 116th GPU Y/B, Bloem 1, 384km, vel 1377
Dbl-6th Club, 17th Div, 19th GPU, Y/B, Bloem2, 384km, vel 1413
Tripled-7th Club, 18th GPU, Y/B, Bloem 3, 384km, vel 1125
4th in a row-13th Club, 33rd GPU,Y/B, Tburg1,483km,vel 1540
5th in a row- 10th Club, 43rd GPU, Y/B, Tburg 2, 483, vel 1710
6th in a row-49th Club, GPU, Y/B, Cberg 1, 584km, vel 1300 REST
7th Club, 36th Div, 43rd GPU, Y/B, Colesberg 3, 584km, vel 1299
4th Club, 4th Division, 12th GPU, Derby Hanover 4,652km, vel 1802
7th Club,37th Div, 52nd GPU, Union, Rmond3, 711 km, vel 1514 DBL
11th Club, 24th Div, 44th GPU, O/B, Cradock, 702km, vel 1669
3rd Club, 5th GPU Winburg 1, 282km, vel 1245
Doubled -27th Club, 56th Div, 75th GPU, Winburg 2, O/B, 282km, vel 1416
Tripled -1st Club, 6th GPU, Bloem 1, 381 km, vel 1334
4th in a row- 4th Club, 8th GPU, Bloem 2, O/B, 384km, vel 1258
* ZA 08195/10 scored 10/10 times
* ZA GRPA 04159/11 -5 x (3 x Equal) Winner -1st Ace Bird GRPA Y/B Series Middle Distance 2012 & 6th Ace Pigeon GRPA Young Bird Series 2012
* ZA GPU 17902/12 1st Club, 1st Division, 2nd GPUnion, Winburg 2, Y/B, 297km, 1702 vel.
ZA GPU 17936/12 -3rd GPU Sales Race Winner of R20 000.
ZA WPU/D 11245/12 - 3 X Winner. Raced by Clinton Fernandez
1st Club, winner by 34 seconds this past weekend for a client of ours.
1st Club, Kimberley, 278km, vel 1065 Club winner by 18 minutes, section winner by 12:18 minutes on a DOUBLE UP! Rested
Equal 1st. Lofmates 1st, 2nd Club.
3rd Club, 17th Division, 40 th Union, Hopetown, 402 km.
Sire to: ZA GRPA 6421/10, Sold on sapigeon auctions to T. Boshoff.
SIRE TO: 5th Overall Hot Spot Colesberg SAPIR LOFTS Winner of R5000, 3rd Nominated Pigeon- Hot Spot Colesberg SAPIR LOFTS
9th Final Race Richmond SAPIR LOFTS 2013