BELG 6317396/10
* A very nice handler
* Soft feathering
* Well ventilated wing covering the back well
* Tight vents
* Bred 1 baby for the race loft. Scored 4 times top 13 places club level.
* Her nestmate brother bred his first winner in the 2011 racing season.
* We have purchased her dam from U. Lemmens and she can be reproduced.
* Linebred to one of the Foundation Pairs "Marseille" x Het Fijn Blauw"
* "Marseille" is one of the best Foundation Cocks at M. Aelbrecht
* This hen's bloodline represents many winner, ACE Pigeons and One-Loft Race performers.
This hen's 2 ggranddams has produced some of our best racers, Ace Pigeons in 10 years.
SEE ATTACHED PEDIGREES OF ACES, Money Race Winners, One-Loft Race Performers from their line.
* GGranddaughter to SUPER BREEDER, "MISS JOICE"
* "MISS JOICE'S" offspring have produced the following in 2 seasons:
ZA GRPA 04159/11-5 x (3 x Equal) Winner.
Equal Div & Combine Winner-Trapped with loftmate!
1st Ace Bird GRPA Y/B Series Middle Distance 2012
6th Ace Pigeon GRPA Young Bird Series 2012
1st Club,22ndDiv, 42nd TRPF O/B, Winburg 2, 282 km, vel 1442
26th Club, 134th Div, 341st THU O/B, Bloem 3, 381km, vel 1005 REST
18th Club,?Div,?THU O/B, Tburg, 483km, vel 1227
Dbl-6th Club,8th Div,42nd GRPA O/B, Comb, Eburg 2, 447 km, vel 1525
Triple-10th Club, 29thDiv,81stGRPA Comb.Y/B,Tburg, 485km, vel 1052
4th-7th Club,21stDiv,24th GRPA Y/B Comb, Sfntein, 507km, vel 1046
5th-1st Club,2nd Div,2nd GRPAComb, Y/B,Gariep1,547km, vel 996 rest
Equal Winner. Loftmate wins
2nd Club,2nd Div,2nd GRPA Comb. Y/B, Hanover 2, 652km, vel 1946
Dbl-Equal Club Winner. Loftmates 1st & 2nd
3rd Club,4th Div, 24th GRPA Comb, Y/B, Gariep 2, 547km, vel 1215
Tripled- Equal Club Winner. Loftmates 1st,2nd,3rd
4th Club,55th Div,92nd THU O/B, Rmond 2, 711 km, vel 1086
2013 Racing Season as 2 Year Old
49th Ace Short Distance Pigeon O/B Club 2013
11th Club, O/B, Ventersburg, 231km, vel 1138 doubled up-
26th Club,65thDiv,95th GPU, O/B, Winburg 1, 282km, vel 1294 Dbl-
12th Club, ?Div, 91st Union, THU, O/B, Wburg 2, 282km, vel 1689
1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU Y/B Series 2013
3rd Ace Pigeon Overall Club GPU Y/B Series 2013
6th Overall Ace Pigeon GPU Y/B Series 2013
31st Club, 116th GPU Y/B, Bloem 1, 384km, vel 1377
Dbl-6th Club, 17th Div, 19th GPU, Y/B, Bloem2, 384km, vel 1413
Tripled-7th Club, 18th GPU, Y/B, Bloem 3, 384km, vel 1125
4th in a row-13th Club, 33rd GPU,Y/B, Tburg1,483km,vel 1540
5th in a row- 10th Club, 43rd GPU, Y/B, Tburg 2, 483, vel 1710
6th in a row-49th Club, GPU, Y/B, Cberg 1, 584km, vel 1300 REST
7th Club, 36th Div, 43rd GPU, Y/B, Colesberg 3, 584km, vel 1299 dbl
4th Club, 4th Division, 12th GPU, Derby Hanover 4,652km, vel 1802
ZA GPU 17396/12 -3rd GPU Sales Race Winner of R20 000 odd
ZA GPU 17902/12-9th GPU Sales Race. R10 000 odd winner.
1st Club, 1st Division, 2nd GPUnion, Winburg 2, Y/B, 297km, 1702 vel
22nd Club, 67th Div, 346th GPU Y/B, Bloem 2, 397km, vel 1347
19th Club, 189th GPU, Y/B, Tburg 1, 496km, vel 1507
ZA WPU/D 11245/12 - 3 X Winner. Raced by Clinton Fernandez
1st Club, winner by 34 seconds this past weekend for a client of ours.
1st Club, Kimberley, 278km, vel 1065 Club winner by 18 minutes, section winner by 12:18 minutes on a DOUBLE UP! Rested
Equal 1st. Lofmates 1st, 2nd Club.
3rd Club, 17th Division, 40 th Union, Hopetown, 402 km.
This hen's other Ggranddam, BELG 4099681/04 "T Marseilke" is Ggranddam to the following 2 Ace Pigeons in two different Organisations, GRPA 2011 and GPU 2012 Seasons..
ZA GRPA 0667/10 -4(1equal) x Club Winner, 2 x Div. Winner, 1 x 1st, 1 x 2nd,1x4th,1 X 14th,1 X 25th Combine Winner
1st ACE Bird Middle Distance Young Bird Series GRPA 2011
2nd ACE Bird Young Bird Series GRPA 2011(Beaten by Loftmate)
4th ACE Bird Overalll Young & Old Bird Series 2011
ZA GPU 15264/11-4 x Club, 3 x Pontoon & L/N &1 X Division Winner.
2ND THU CAR RACE WINNER (Club Derby Winner)
Also GGgranddam to:
ZA GPU 16423/12
33rd Ace Short Distance Pigeon Y/B Club 2013
11th Club,11th Div, Ventersburg Sprint Series 2013 rest
Terrible trap! Lost race by 34seconds!
2nd Club, 7th Div, 10th Union, GPU, Y/B, Winburg 2, 282km, vel 1649
Dbld-33rd Club,94th Div,145th GPU Y/B,Bloem 2, 384km,vel 1374 1
4th Club, GPU, Y/B, Colesberg 2, 584km, vel 1277
ZA GPU 05751/12
9th Carnival Hot Spot 3 Glen
47th Hot Spot 4, Edenburg 449 km.
3rd Carnival Winter Race Final 2013
3rd Overall Ace Pigeon Winter Race 2013
Daughter "Marseille X Het Fijn Blauw"
Great great granddam to:
ZA BPF/D 2670/11-4 x (4 X Equal) Club, 2 x Division &1 x Combine Winner
8th Club,THU O/B, Tburg, 483km, vel 1243
1st Club, 1st Div, 1st Combine, GRPA, Y/B, Sfntein, 507km, vel 1092
Dbl-4th Club,7th Div,14th GRPA Comb, Y/B, Gariep 1, 547km, vel 985
triple-21st Club, ?Div,?GRPA Comb,O/B, Cberg 1, 584km, vel 873
17th Club,141stDiv,277thTHU O/B, Rmond 1, 712km, vel 1236
2013 Season
1st Club, 1st Div,75th GRPA Comb, O/B, Rburg1, 428km, vel 1111
Dbl-Equal 1st Club. Loftmates win 1st-7th Club
8th Club, ?Div,?GRPA Comb, O/B, Edenburg 1,447km, vel 1505
Equal Club Winner.
3rd Club,3rd Div, 76th GRPA Comb, O/B, A-North, 516km, vel 1252
Also related to:
The sire of 5th SAPIR Hot Spot Colesberg, ZA GRPA 6421/10
ZA GPU 07733/12 -Winner of R20 000 in Prize Money
10th Hot Spot 2 Winburg Carnival Winter Race
2nd Carnival Winter Race Final 2013
ZA GPU 05751/12 -Winner of R15 000
9th Carnival Hot Spot 3 Glen
47th Hot Spot 4, Edenburg 449 km.
3rd Carnival Winter Race Final 2013
3rd Ace Pigeon Hot Spot 1-4 Plus Final Winter Race 2013
All the top lines in her pedigree:
* The Perpignan *Son of De Crack * Limoges * Miss Joice,* Marseille x Het Fijn Blauw", Top Breeders of One-Loft Race Winners, daughter of SuperBreeder 970