This is the final cost on this cock and you can purchase him outright BUY NOW with no more further bidding against you.
ALL potential buyers of FIXED PRICE pigeons are invited to stay over for free at our Vaal River premises to view and collect their purchases made.
ZA VPU 7027/20
1/2 Brothe to Dam to ZA GPU 05439/17 - top breeder for Dane Pietersen..
*Dam to ZA PPS 7234/19 - 7th Cradock One Loft Final, 814 km- SEE PEDIGREE
*Dam to ZA PPS 1354/19 -2nd ACE Dinokeng One Loft Race 2020- Bred and raced by D Pietersen Family Lofts.-SEE PEDIGREE
This is A Super cock.
Linebred to 810 X 8855- Their progeny thus far has won 28 ONE LOFT FINALS IN S.A!!!- UNEQUALED in the HISTORY of S.A. ONE LOFT RACING!
His sire ZA GPU 07164/15 is Full brother to ZA GPU 11445/15 - 1st Central Provincial Loft, Bloemfontein, 596km, vel 1132 & 4th Ace Pigeon Loft
His dam is ZA OERF 10463/16 - 2nd Carnival City Winter race Final 2017! She is granddam to super one loft performers!
* Dam to ZA WPU 4122/17 - Granddam to ZA NPN 165/21- 2nd Final Sonskyn One Loft- SEE PEDIGREE
Dam to ZA GPU 05439/17 - top breeder for Dane Pietersen..
*Dam to ZA PPS 7234/19 - 7th Cradock One Loft Final, 814 km
*Dam to ZA PPS 1354/19 -2nd ACE Dinokeng One Loft Race 2020- Bred and raced by D Pietersen Family Lofts.-SEE PEDIGREE
CLOSELY related to the following FIVE ( 5 ) ONE LOFT WINNERS 2023
* 1st Dinokeng Final Race Winner of R120 000, Hanover, 724km, vel 1502. 3 Birds on the drop. 2nd Ace Dinokeng 2023 - Winner of R80 000. & 35th Barzalona Car Race, Hanover, 724km, vel 1443
1st Final Winner SAPIR By 11 43 seconds, Colesberg, 575km, vel 1166, 5th Grand Averages, 9th Hot Spot Averages 2023
* ZA VPU 9791/22- " THE MAGICIAN"- Sold for R159 000 -SEE PEDIGREE
* 1st Capetown International One Loft Final Race 2023 by a break away win- Bred by Gielie & Retief Uys Hokke - ZA OERF 5811/22
* 1st Final, 13th Ace, CPL CENTRAL LOFTS -NBD 14522/22 Bryan Isaacs & 10th on the drop - Bred by OOA Lofts.
* 1st WINNERS FLIGHT OLR FINAL 2023- BERG 149/22- Bred by F Beyers
*ZA PWF 15180/22 - "BIANCA" - 1st Ace Dinokeng, 5th onthe drop Barzalona Car Race 2023
*ZA SRPV 422/22 - 3RD ACE DINOKENG 2023 - Bred by W Munnik
*ZA OOA 121/19 - Dam to ZA GRPF 1015/22 - "MERLIN" - 5th Ace Dinokeng, 7th Barzalona (Equal Winner) - Bred by G Louw
*ZA HPT 7941/22- 2nd Final Carival Gold Cup 2023 - only 3 day birds..........Bred by JJJ Van Der Linde & Scholtz
Equal first with a second or 2 lost trapping! - SEE ATTACHED PEDIGREE-
*ZA VPU 9470/22 - Equal first 12 walked through the trap 12 seconds after the winner.- 20 odd pigeons on the drop - 9th CPL Bloem Final, Prince Albert Road, 596km, vel, 1218
Bred by OOA Lofts, entered by BlockStock Lofts
* ZA TRPF 7205/22- 5th Sapir Final Race Colesberg, 575km, vel 1137 - 2023 Season.-Bred and entered by Welgedaan Lofts.
* "YOU CAN DO IT" Winner of R100 000 - ZA GPU 11445/15 - 1st Central Provincial One-Loft Race Final , Bloemfontein, 596km, vel 1132. & 4th Ace Pigeon Loft 2016. A hot day and a hard race. Four birds on the drop.
Grandsire to ZA GPU 5069/20 -6 X Club and Union WINNER - Super Racer for M. Strydom.
4th Ace Middle Distance GPU 2022
2nd Ace Overall Distances GPU 2022
* ZA CYRILS 4161/14 - Sire to :
ZA GPU 04887/16 - Granddam to 1st Ace & 12th CPL Bloem Final, 596km, 1380 vel 2021
ZA GPU 11461/15 - 2nd Klapmuts One Loft Final 3 Sisters 500km, 1409 2016- SEE PEDIGREE
ZA OERF 10463/16 - 2nd Carnival City Winter One Loft Final 2017! - SEE PEDIGREE
Sire to ZA GPU 11094/21- Bred by OOA LOFTS, Raced by FVH & OOA LOFTS. 2nd Place EXPENSIVE RING RACE- Winner of R116 000.