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ZA VPU 7038/8


* Nice handler!
* Balanced
* Louvred wing
* Highly recomended.
* THREE of this hen's grand parents are ORGANISATIONAL ACE PIGEONS!
* They won 14 RACES BETWEEN THEM!!!!!

Our MONSTER COCK LINE has bred pages full of performances the past few weeks for fanciers all over S.A.

This hen is linebred to THREE SUPER RACERS and they are also SUPERBREEDERS.
* THE MONSTER COCK-ZA GRPA 02854/11-4 x Club Winner- 1st Ace Pigeon Middle DistanceTHU O/B Series 2012 & 2nd Overall Ace Pigeon O/B Series THU 2012. Sire and grandsire to winners and Ace Pigeons
* ZA GPU 15264/11-4 x Club, 3 x Pontoon & L/N &1 X Division Winner. 2nd THUnion Car Race Winner  & Club Derby Winner) 10/10 Races. 1st Overall Ace Pigeon THU Young Bird Series 2012
1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance THU Y/ BIRD Series 2012
* ZA BPF/D 02688/09 - 6 X CLUB WINNER & 3rd National Ace Pigeon Middle Distance 2010

The results from the 404 PROVEN DREAM MONSTER COCK X CARELLY X LOCK lines the past FEW WEEKS all over South Africa is astonishing to say the least! Years of building a top ACE PIGEON FAMILY is paying of for our clients!!!!
All undermentioned results were flown by ourselves, or by  clients that purchased their parents on our LIVE AUCTION SITE!! - THANK YOU TO ALL OUR LOYAL CLIENT'S FEEDBACK!!!

And AGAIN top performers from the MONSTER COCK 404 PROVEN DREAM X THE GOLDEN CARELLY X 08816 SUPER PAIR lines:

* Michael Engelbrecht won the East London Combine the past weekend. His combine winner's sire is brother to this cock's sire!!

ZA VPU 1423/18 -17th Club, 62nd VPU Union, O/B, Winburg, 197km, vel 1269
DBL- 25th Club, 92nd VPU Union, Smithfield, Y/B, 391km, vel 1242
tripled-  5th  Club, 20th  VPU Union,  Y/B, Trompsburg, 197km, vel 1881
*  ZA VPU 1471/18 - 3rd Club,8th VPU Union, O/B, Bloemfontein-Tom's Place, 322km, vel 1346 - She did very well on this race on west in the wind!- SEE PEDIGREE!
ZA GPU 6817/18 - 13th Club, 58th VPU Union,O/B,  Bloemfontein-Tom's Place, 322km, vel 1328- SUPERRACER!!!
Dbled -  10th Club, 77th VPU Union, Y?O/B, Springfontein, 424km, vel 1341
Tripled - 4th Club, 15th VPU Union, Smithfield, Gauteng Combine, 8125 pigeons, O/B, 391km, vel 1275
4th - 4th  Club, 16th  VPU Union,  Y/B, Trompsburg, 197km, vel 1887
ZA GPU 05588/17 - 1st Club, 1st Union, Winburg Sprint, 237km, vel 1319 - Raced by J Faulds & OOA LOFTS - SEE NEWS ARTICLE FOR PEDIGREE
ZA GPU 14112/18 - 2nd Club, 16th GPU Union, Bloemfontein, Y/B,  390km, vel 1414 - J Faulds & OOA Lofts - Her dam is winner daughter GOLDEN CARELLY! -SEE NEWS ARTICLE FOR PEDIGREE

The past weekend this line once again produced SUPER PERFORMERS all over for friends:
ZA FB 15232/17 1ste Klub, 1ste Fed, 1ste Unie, LeeuGamka, 293km, Velocity 1375., & 3rd Club 10th Fed, 10th UNion, Lainsburg, vel 1190  Bred and raced by P Van Wyk
- ZA FB 08589/17 - 1st Club, 8th Fed, 8th Union, Lainsburg, 1192 vel - Bred and raced by P Van Wyk
ZA OOA 181/17 - Proven breeder in first season. Dam to 1173- Fed Winner, 1380 vel. His nestmate brother, 1174 is 6th Federation!
- ZA WELL 383/18 - 3rd Club, 3rd Fed, 3rd Union, Lainsburg, 195 km, vel 1236 - Bred and raced by P Van Wyk
- ZA WELL 365/18 - 2nd Club, 2nd Fed, 2nd Union, Lainsburg, 195km, vel 1238. Bred and raced by Piet Van Wyk
- ZA WELL 325/18 - 1st Club, 1st Fed, 1st Union, Lainsburg, 195km, vel 1238 - Bred and raced by Piet Van Wyk from OOA STOCK!
- ZA WELL 384/18 - 2de klub, 12 de Fed, 13de Unie, LeeuGamka, 293km, Velocity 1328.- Bred and raced by P Van Wyk
- ZA OERF 4089/18 - 7th Club, 7th OERFed, Bloem, Y/B, 385, vel 1371- Raced by Jakkals and Wolf!
 ZA WELL 397/18 - 1ste Klub, 2de Fed, 3de Unie LeeuGamka, Velocity 1328 - Bred and raced by P Van  Wyk
- ZA WELL 398/18; 2nd Club, 7th Fed, 7th Unie Lainsburg Velocity 1286- Bred and raced by P Van Wyk
- ZA WELL 199/18 - 3 de Klub, 8ste Fed, 8 ste Unie Lainsburg, Velocity 1284 - Bred and raced by P Van  Wyk
- ZA VPU 1488/18 - 10 th Club, 18th VPU Union, Y/B,Winburg, 197km, vel 1333 - Raced by OOA LOFTS - SEE PEDIGREES ATTACHED
- ZA VPU 3574/18 - Equal Winner - Loft mate wins race - 2nd Club, 3rd VPU Union, O/B Winburg, 197km, vel 1340 - Raced by OOA LOFTS - SEE PEDIGREES ATTACHED
- ZA WPU 2854/17 - Equal Winner. Loftmate wins the race - 2nd Club, Kimberley, 179km, vel 1198. Raced by G Heymans, bred by OOA LOFTS. - SEE PEDIGREES ATTACHED
- ZA VPU 2435/17 -2 Year old - 3rd Club, 8th VPU Union, Winburg, O/B, 283 km, vel 1500.- ZA VPU 2435/17 -  5th best Yearling in Union VPU 2018

- Piet Van Wyk won both Young and Old Bird Club races and a Union with progeny from the cock on offer's ggsire ZA GRPA 00853/12, Piets SUPERBREEDER SON TO GOLDEN CARELLY!!
- NEW SUPERBREEDER !!! ZA OOA 181/17 - Proven breeder in first season. Dam to 1173- Fed Winner, 1380 vel.
His nestmate brother, 1174 is 6th Federation!
Her other son 1111/18 - 3rd Fed, 10th Union. Bred by Izak Mare
- ZA CYRILS 4801/14 - Dam to ZA TOTI 578/2016 - Wins by 3 1/2 minutes!! 1st club 6th Federation and many top positions. Bred by Danny Bradshaw.
ZA GPU 05582/17 - 1st Club, 2nd Union, Ventersburg, 261km. Raced by Breytenbach Lofts, bred by OOA LOFTS.

Fred Van Heerden took the first 7 positions in the strong Playfair Club in VPU with this Line!!! - Here follows his results. 1ST AND 2ND
- ZA CYRILS 2028/16-Purchased from OOA LOFTS LIVE AUCTION. Dam to ZA VPU 2772/18, 1st Club, 4th VPU Union, Y/B, Glen, 283 km, vel 1486, as 2ND CLUB!
- ZA VPU 2795/18, 2nd Club, 5th Union, Y/B, Glen, 283km, vel 1486 !! Bred by F Van Heerden
-ZA CYRILS 4582/16 - Sire to Equal Winner. ZA VPU 7230/18 - 3rd Club, 8th VPU UNion, Y/B, 283 km, vel 1485 km. bred and raced by F Van Heerden.-SEE PEDIGREE OF SIRE
- ZA GPU 04747/14 ( HEN) - Dam to ZA VPU 2832/18 - Equal Winner on the drop. 4th club, 10th VPU Union, Glen, Y/B, 283 km, vel 1485 - Bred and raced by F Van Heerden.
-ZA VPU 2815/18 - EQUAL WINNER! 7 PIGEONS ON THE DROP! 5th Club, 11th VPU Union, Glen, 283 km, vel 1485. Bred and raced by F Van Heerden. Parents purchased from OOA LOFTS - SEE PEDIGREE
- ZA VPU 2800/18 - Equal 1st Club. 7 RACERS ON THE DROP!! 6th Club, 13th VPU UNion, Y/B, Glen, 283km, vel 1484. Bred and raced by F Van Heerden! - SEE PEDIGREE

The sire line PROVEN DREAM STERKE 404 MONSTER COCK has bred many winners the past few weeks all over S.A. 

"THE 404" -  BELG 4220404/10, Sold by us For R100 000. One of our best Stock Cocks EVER!!
Sire to 11 Wins , and one 3 x Winner, 1 x Federation Winner, 2 Union Winners, and a 4 X Winner, Ace Pigeon THU Middle Distance O/B Series 2012, 2nd Ace Pigeon Overall Old Bird Series 2012.
Also grandsire to MANY winners.
Sire to winners and proven breeders oa:
*  ZA CYRILS 4090/14 - Sire to Hot Spot 3 Carwinner SCMDPR, as well as 4th Hot Spot 4 Car Race.
* " MONSTER COCK " - ZA GRPA 02854/11-4 x Winner, Union Winner &  3 X Pontoon & L/N Winner, 1st Ace M/D, 2nd Overall Ace THU O/B Series 2012
* ZA GPU 11163/13 "HULK"-Raced by J & P Lofts. - 1st Club, 1st Division, 1st GPU, Winburg 1, 280km, vel 1177,581 Gsire to ZA WPU/D 3231/14 - 2 X Winner raced by Fernandez Family
1st Club, 6th Fed Colesberg 435km
1st Club 12th Fed (2,5 min win) Jamestown 475km
* ZA GPU 12224/15 - Sire to 1st Club for D. V Niekerk.
* ZA BPF/D 8480/10,Club,Division & Federation Winner - 1st Club,1st Div,1st Fed Willowmore, 525km, vel 1361
Already sire to 3 winners for Phillip Venter.
ZA GRPA 2936/10-Equal Winner - 6th,19th,8th,10th,8th,1st,17th,15th,18th Scored 9/9 races flown!!
ZA GRPA 2935/10 -11th, 8th Club
ZA GRPA 02853/11-3 X Winner
ZA GRPA 12109/12-Equal Winner
ZA GPU 05633/13- RACED 1/1 -10th Club, 12th Div, 15th GPU, O/B, Trompsburg , 485km, vel 1433
Grandsire to various winners already O.A.:
ZA CYRILS 4801/14 - Dam to ZA TOTI 578/2016 - 1st club 6th Federation and many top positions. Bred by Danny Bradshaw.
* ZA GPU 16927/14- 3 X 2ND CLUB WINNER !!GPU Expensive ring. Rung for H. De Noon
* ZA GPU 02816/15, 7th  ACE Pigeon Carnival City 2016 Winer Race.
* ZA GPU 00229/15 - 1st Club, 1st Division, 1st GPU Union, Edenburg,Y/B, 448km,vel 1410
 * ZA GPU 02854/15 - 2nd Ace Club, 5th Overall Ace Pigeon Y/B Series GPU 2016
* ZA GPU 11114/14 - Dam to ZULU 1095/15 - 2017 Natal Ace Bird O/B for Badenhorst Lofts.
* ZA CYRILS 2536/15 - Sire to 2nd Club for D V Niekerk.
* ZA WYNLAND 5416/13 - 2 x Winner.  -Raced by F. Viljoen
* ZA BPF/D 5918/12 -1st Club, 3rd Div,22nd fed, L-Gamka, 570km, vel 1148
* ZA BPF/D 5923/12  -1st Club,13th Bloem Fed, Cradock 1 Y/B, 340km, vel 1035
* ZA BPF/D 5959/12-1st Club, 2nd Div, 7th Fed, G-Reinette, 380km, vel 1267 Bloem Fed
* ZA OERF 09936/11, SUPERBREEDER - 1st and 2nd Club, as well as 1st Union Winner 2012 for B. Loots.
His daughter, ZA GPU 15141/11 Top Breeder P. Venter, Bloemfontein
His nestmate brother's son, ZA GPU 15153/11.Purchased by M. Schmidt on sapigeonauctions. Already sire to 4 winners and a Federation Winner in a very short time.
Linebred to the very best Foundation Birds of De Rauw Sablon
*Lijn Smallen   *Lijn Limoges *Lijn Topkweker Freddy * Den Dromer
Also in the pedigree:  *De Crack  *Den Ijzeren

The super breeder son of 404 is THE MONSTER COCK-ZA GRPA 02854/11-4 x Club Winner- 1st Ace Pigeon Middle DistanceTHU O/B Series 2012 & 2nd Overall Ace Pigeon O/B Series THU 2012. Sire and grandsire to winners and Ace Pigeons.
SIRE TO:* ZA GPU 16927/14- 3 X 2ND CLUB WINNER !!GPU Expensive ring. Rung for H. De Noon
* ZA GPU 02816/15, 7th  ACE Pigeon Carnival City 2016 Winer Race.
* ZA GPU 00229/15 - 1st Club, 1st Division, 1st GPU Union, Edenburg,Y/B, 448km,vel 1410
 * ZA GPU 02854/15 - 2nd Ace Club, 5th Overall Ace Pigeon Y/B Series GPU 2016
* ZA GPU 13306/15 - 3rd Club, 6th Div, 13th Union, Springfontein, O/B, 508km, vel 1339 - Bred by OOA LOFTS, Rcaed by R Huebsch
* ZA CYRILS 2410/15 - Sire to ZA WELL 325/18 - 1st Club, 1st Fed, 1st Union, Lainsburg, 195km, vel 1238 - Bred and raced by Piet Van Wyk from OOA STOCK!
Also sire to ZA WELL 384/18 - 2de klub, 12 de Fed, 13de Unie, LeeuGamka, 293km, Velocity 1328.- Bred and raced by P Van Wyk
ZA CYRILS 4582/16 - Sire to Equal Winner. 3rd Club, 8th VPU UNion, Y/B, 283 km, vel 1485 km. bred and raced by F Van Heerden
ZA CYRILS 4801/14 - Dam to ZA TOTI 578/2016 - 1st club 6th Federation and many top positions. Bred by Danny Bradshaw.
Gsire to ZA GPU 05582/17 - 1st Club, 2nd Union, Ventersburg, 261km. Raced by Breytenbach Lofts, bred by OOA LOFTS.
Gsire to ZA GPU 11114/14 - Dam to ZULU 1095/15 - 2017 Natal Ace Bird O/B for Badenhorst Lofts.
Gsire to ZA CYRILS 2536/15 - Sire to 2nd Club for D V Niekerk.
ZA GPU 06591/13- Dam to Well 398 2018; 2 de klub, 7de Fed, 7de Unie Lainsburg Velocity 1286- Bred and raced by P Van Wyk
ZA WYNLAND 5416/13 - 2 x Winner.  -Raced by F. Viljoen
3rd Club, 12th Union, Beaufort-West, 300km
8th Club - Hanover, 580km
2nd Club, 6th Union Hopetown, 606km
1st Club, 2nd Union Kimberley, 724 km. One of few on the day.
1st Club, Prelim 1st Union, Bloemfontein, 786km
Gsire to ZA OOA 181/17 - Proven breeder in first season. Dam to 1173- Fed Winner, 1380 vel. His nestmate brother, 1174 is 6th Federation
Gsire to ZA GPU 12156/15 - 25th Klapmuts Final 3 Sisters 500km, 1409
Gsire to ZA GPU 07299/15 - 1st Club, 1st Division, 12th Union, Colesberg 3, 601km, vel 1077. Bred by Out of Africa Lofts. Raced by Van Heerden Lofts. 
Ggsire to ZA FB 15232/17 1ste Klub, 1ste Fed, 1ste Unie, LeeuGamka, 293km, Velocity 1375.
Ggsire to ZA GPU 14112/18 - 2nd Club, 16th GPU Union, Bloemfontein, Y/B,  390km, vel 1414 - J Faulds & OOA Lofts
His full brother's son sold, ZA GPU 04811/16 is sire to ZA DVNH 033/18 - 1st Club, 1st Fed, Richmond, Yearling Championships, 575km, vel 1396 Won the fed by 5 12 minutes!- Bred and raced by D Van Niekerk. Both parents purchased on OOA LIVE AUCTIONS

Starting: 24 Jul 2019 08:00
Ending: 16 Aug 2019 19:45

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ZA VPU 7038/18
Bred by Out of Africa Lofts
Offered by Out of Africa Lofts
Bidding Ends: 16 Aug 2019 19:45:00 South African time (GMT+2)
Latest Bid: Bravo
R 1 700.00
Auction Expired.
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