Our family have decided to relaoctae for now, and seriously considering to emigrate.
Our house has been sold, and we are soon relocating to the Vaal River near Parys in the interim.
However this process shall take quite a bit of time, as we have various bussiness commitments, etc to sort out.
We have way to many top pigeons bred for our own stock loft that has not been bred yet, or paired up.
They are sitting in aviaries being wasted.
This is an opportunity for fanciers to obtain top winning genetics from a top performance loft.
We are also starting the process of DNA testing on all our key breeders.
If everything works out they and a selected group of their offspring shall be exported with us.
This mating is as close to the ORIGINAL TOM LOCK SUPERBREEDERS YOU CAN GET!!
ZA CYRILS 2762/16
This same line crossed with the GOLDEN CARELLY line bred GPU Short, and Overall Old Bird Aces, as well as GPU Overall Young Bird Ace 2017 season!!!!!
* This COCK represents some of our very best breeders EVER!!
* Balanced
* Muscled
* Louvred wing
* Tight vents
* Also grandson to ZA GPU 15838/11-3 x Winner (1 x Equal) Club, Division & Combine Winner. 2nd Ace Bird L/D, 2nd ACE BIRD Overall O/B Series GPU 2013 & 3rd National Ace Pigeon SANPO Bronze Medal Winner Long Distance 2013.
* HIGHLY Recomended
This cock is closely related to 50 PLUS ACE PIGEONS.
Grandson to ZA GPU 15838/11-3 x Winner (1 x Equal) Club, Division & Combine Winner. 2nd Ace Bird L/D, 2nd ACE BIRD Overall O/B Series GPU 2013 & 3rd National Ace Pigeon SANPO Bronze Medal Winner Long Distance 2013.
Dam to: ZA WPU/D 3220/14 - 4 x winner Raced by C. FERNANDEZ.
Grandson to SUPER ACE BREEDER ZA 22632/08, Sire to 9 winners, as well as multiple winners and an Ace Pigeon 2013.
ZA 22632/08 SIRE TO:
His first son sold to A. Carelsen is a super breeder. Grandsire to DINOKENG LOFTS 1st Hot Spot Winner 2012!! Also in 2012 thus far bred 2/2 winner nestmates.
ZA TRPF 26169/11-3 x Equal Winner-"NIGHTFLYER"
TRPF 26170/11-Winner
ZA GRPA 09936/12 -Ace Pigeon M/D GRPA Y/B Series 2013
ZA 22632/08 GRAND SIRE TO:
ZA GPU 12128/15 -3 x Winner & Union Winner. - 1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU & 2nd Gauteng Combine Old Bird Series 2017
-- Raced by R. Huebsch & Bred by OOA LOFTS. As 2 year old:
1st Club, 6th Div, 10th Union, Winburg O/B, 280km, vel 1309
7th Club, 16th Div, 24th Union, Winburg O/B, 280km, vel 1243
1st Club, 1st Div, 1st Union,O/B, Dewetsdorp, 398km, vel 1273
1st Club, 2nd Div, 6th GPU, O/B, Bloem 4, 384km, vel 1306
Grandsire to ZA GPU 12156/15 - 25th Klapmuts Final 3 Sisters 500km, 1409.
Gsire to many winners.ZA GPU 02804 /15 -1st Club, 2nd Div, 2nd Union, Winburg 1 ,O/B, 280km, vel 1322.
ZA GPU 02844/15 - 1st Club, 1st Div, 1st UNION, B-West, 871km, vel 1552 . ZA GPU 11080/14 - 1st Club, 1st Division, 3rd GPU, A-North, O/B, 517km, vel 1487
Also grandsire to ZA GPU 04626/14 - 1st Club, 1st Div, 3rd GPU, Smithfield, Y/B, 469km, vel 1457
Linebred to ZA THU 29596/98, The R100 000 Foundation Cock. Sire to 38 winners.Grandsire to 50 + ACE PIGEONS.
Ggsire to 1st & 2nd Old Bird & Overall ACE Pigeons GPU 2017
Ggsire to 1st Ace Young Bird Series GPU 2017
Ggsire to 1st & 2nd Old Bird Club & 6th & 7th Overall ACE Pigeons GPU 2016
Gsire to ZA GRPA 04159/11-5 x (3 x Equal) Winner. ,1st Ace Bird GRPA Y/B Series Middle Distance 2012, 6th Ace Pigeon GRPA Young Bird Series 2012.
Grandsire to 1st Ace Pigeon River Loft 2006
Grandsire to 1st Ace Pigeon THU O/B Series 2007
Grandsire to 2nd Ace Pigeon THU O/B Series 2007
Grandsire to 6th Ace Bird THU Y/B Series 2008
Grandsire to 1st Ace Pigeon THU O/B Series 2010
Grandsire to 1st Ace Pigeon GRPA Y/B Series 2010
Grandsire to 5th Ace Pigeon PTAUnion 2010
Grandsire to 7th Ace Pigeon Middle Distance PTA Union 2011
Grandsire to 1st Ace Pigeon GRPA Y/B Series 2011
Grandsire to 1st Ace Pigeon GRPA O/B Series 2011
Great Grandsire to 2nd Overall Ace Pigeon THU O/B 2012
Great Grandsire to 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance THU O/B 2012
Great Grandsire to 1st Ace Pigeon GRPA Y/B Middle Distance 2012
Great Grandsire to 6th Overall Ace Pigeon GRPA Combine 2012
Grandsire to 1st Nat Ace Pigeon Short Distance SANPO 2010
Grandsire to 1st Nat Ace Pigeon Middle Distance SANPO 2010
Grandsire to 3rd Nat Ace Pigeon Middle Distance SANPO 2010(053)
Grandsire to 1st Nat Ace Pigeon Overall Distance SANPO 2010
Grandsire to 1st Nat Ace Pigeon Long Distance SANPO 2011
Great Grandsire to1st Ace Pigeon PTA Fed Long Distance 2013
Great Grandsire to 2nd Ace PTA Combine Long Distance 2013
Great Grandsire to 2nd ACE O/B GPU Old Bird Series 2013
Great Grandsire to 2nd Ace O/B GPU Old Bird Series Long Distance 2013
Great Grandsire to 3rd National Ace Pigeon Middle Distance SANPO 2013
Great Grandsire to 3rd Ace Pigeon Long Distance SANPO 2013
Great Grandsire to 3rd Ace Pigeon All Distances SANPO 2013
Gggrandsire to ZA PWFD 2258/13, 2 x Winner & SANPO Silver Medal Winner Short Distance 2014 for T. Boshof.
GGGgrandsire to SANPO OERF 00547/13, .He is the Bronze medalist cock in Federation for yearlings and the Ace yearling cock in club over all distances as well as Ace short distance pigeon 2014.
The GOLDEN CARELLY SUPERPAIR - ( GOLDEN CARELLY BAK 17 MISS JOICE X ZA THU 08816/09 DAUGHTER TO R80 000 TOM LOCK SUPERPAIR) progeny has to date bred 15 known & different top 10 Ace Pigeons.
1) ZA GPU 0003/15 - 2 X Winner ( 1 x Equal Winner)- 1ST Overall Ace Pigeon Old Bird Series GPU 2017!
2) ZA GPU 0004/15 - 2nd Overall Ace Pigeon GPU 2017
3) ZA GPU 02842/15- UNION WINNER 1st Club,1st Div, 1st Union, Richmond 2 OB National, 709 km, vel 1418 - 10th Ace Old Bird Series GPU 2017
4) 1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance, 4TH Overall currently Old Bird Series 2017 - ZA GPU 12128/15 -Bred by OOALOFTS, raced by R. Huebsch.See
5) 1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance, 1st Overall currently Young Bird Series 2017 - ZA OERF 10621/16 See
6) ZA GPU 06191/14 - Club, Division & Union Winner- 1st Ace Pigeon Club Old Bird Series 2016 & 6th Overall Ace O/B Series GPU 2016 Season
7) ZA GPU 06192/14 - Equal 1st Ace Pigeon Club Old Bird Series 2016 & 7th Overall Ace O/B Series GPU 2016 Season
8) ZA GPU 07483/14 - 2 x Winner. Winner of sales race & Club Winner & 6th Ace Pigeon Club Old Bird Series 2016
9) ZA GPU 17912/12 -Winner & Short Distance Ace GPU -1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU Y/B Series 2013 & 3rd Ace Pigeon Overall Club GPU Y/B Series 2013 & 6th Overall Ace Pigeon GPU Y/B Series 2013
Winner of GPU Young Bird Sales Race 2013 R37500
5th Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU O/B Series 2014
10) ZA GRPA 04159/11-5 x (3 x Equal) Winner. ,1st Ace Bird GRPA Y/B Series Middle Distance 2012, 6th Ace Pigeon GRPA Young Bird Series 2012
11) ZA GPU 02801/15 -2nd Central Bloemfontein Lofts, Leeu Gamka, 524km, vel 1051. 10th Ace Pigeon Bloemfontein Central Lofts.
12) ZA GPU 15121/11, DAM to 1st Ace Pigeon O/B Series, 5th Final race Bloemfontein Central Lofts 2015
13) 2nd Ace Pigeon Carnival City Club 2016, SANPO OERF 11834/15
14) ZA GPU 02854/15 - 2nd Ace Pigeon Club, 5th Overall Ace Pigeon Y/B Series GPU 2016
15) ZA GPU 104/15 - 2 x Winner. 3RD GPU CAR RACE -EXP RING Winner of 2nd Final Race. R50 000 Price Money. 1st Club, 3rd Div, 3rd GPUnion, Y/B. Rietrivier,474km, vel 1297 & 1st Club, 2nd Div, 2nd GPU, Colesberg Y/B, 584km, vel 1375
16) ZA GPU 07483/14 - 2 x Winner. Winner of sales race & Club Winner. & 6th Ace Pigeon Club Old Bird Series 2016
17) ZA GPU 07484/14 - 2 x Club Winner & Union Winner on Hot day.... Winning races from 385 km, vel 1414 - 682km, vel 1084!! 1st Club, 2nd Div, 2nd GPUnion, Bloem 2, Y/B, 385 km, vel 1414 & 1st Club, 1st Div, 1st GPU Union, O./B, Middelburg, 682km, vel 1084
18) ZA GPU 03022/16- " CARELLYS GOLDEN UNION WINNER " Club, Division & Union Winner by 2 minutes!! 1st Club, 1st Div, 1st Union, Bloem O/B, 385km, vel 1396
19) ZA WPU/D 11245/12 - 3 X ( 1 Equal) X Winner for Clinton Fernandez
20) ZA GPU 11262/14 - Winner - 1st Club, 1st Division, 7th Union, Colesberg 5, 584km, vel 1441 & 22nd Ace Pigeon Club Old Bird Series 2016
21) ZA GPU 17902/12- Winner - 1st Club, 1st Division, 2nd GPUnion, Winburg 2, Y/B, 297km, 1702 vel & 2nd Club, 2nd Div, 4th GPU, Middelburg, O/B, 675km, vel 1009