ZA CYRILS 2809/16
* Never to be repeated.
* Nice Handler
* Well balanced
* Ventilated wing
* Highly recomended
She is sister and niece to vasrious winners and different ACE PIGEONS
1/2 SISTER TO ZA TRPF 19318/09 - 4 X Winner & 1st National Ace Pigeon L/D 2011. Raced and scored 15/15 races in 2011 season. SANPO GOLD MEDAL 2011.
Overall Ace Bird Old & Young Bird Series GRPA Combine 2011
Ace Bird Old Bird Series GRPA 2011
Ace Bird Overall Middle Distance Old & Young Bird Series GRPA Combine 2011
3rd Car Race GRPA 2011
Niece to ZA GPU 11099/11 - SANPO BRONZE Medal M/D as well as SANPO Bronze Medal Overall Distances 2013 season for P. Coetzee.
Niece to ZA THU 08322/10-5 X Winner
Ssiter to of 3 different money Races winning +R100 000
Niece to ZA CYRILS 7196/14- Raced by J. Faulds. - 1st Club, 2nd Div, 2nd GPU, Richmond1,O/B, 716 km,vel 1083. 3 rd GPU L/D Ace 2015
ZA WBU/D 0150/12-1st Club,1st,Div,1st Comb. GRPA Y/B, Bloem 2, 384km, vel 1329
ZA GPU 13866/15 - 1st Club, 1st Division, 1st GPUnion, Colesberg 4, 589km, vel 1089.
ZA WBU/D 0149/12 - 2 x Equal winner
Also niece to:
ZA THU 10097/08, 2 X Winner. THU Gold Medal Winner.-Ace Pigeon O/B Series. 1st National Ace Pigeon Short Distance (SANPO GOLD MEDAL) 2010 & 1st National Ace Pigeon All Distances (SANPO GOLD MEDAL) 2010
ZA GPU 15838/11-3 x Winner (1 x Equal) Club, Division & Combine Winner. 2nd Ace Bird L/D, 2nd ACE BIRD Overall O/B Series GPU 2013 & 3rd National Ace Pigeon SANPO Bronze Medal Winner L/D 2013