How many direct children from ACE PIGEONS are made available in the market lately??
Here is one.....don't miss her before we put her to stock ourselves....
ZA CYRILS 2729/16
* Great handler
* A Quality PIGEON
* Balanced
* Muscled
* Louvred wing
* Highly recomended
* Daughter to two of the best racers we have EVER OWNED.
Both parents were MIDDLE DISTANCE ACES in their organisations!
THE SIRE: GRPA 09936/12 -Club Winner by 04,15 minutes. - 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance GRPA Y/B Series 2013
2nd Club,2nd Div, 20th GRPA Comb. Y/B, Gariep, 550km, vel 1267
Dbl-3rd Club, 3rd Div, 19th GRPA Comb, Y/B, Sburg, 607km,vel 1266
Tple-6th Cl, 6th Div, 40th GRPA Comb,Y/B, Hanover, 652km,vel 1260
1st Club, 1st Div, 9th GRPA Y/B, Comb, Sburg, 607km, vel 1372
2nd Club, 2nd Div, 3rd GPU, Bloem 2, O/B, 384km, vel 1265
Sire to:
ZA GPU 12156/15 - 25th Klapmuts Final 3 Sisters 500km, 1409
ZA GPU 04626/14 - Winner. 1st Club, 1st Div, 3rd GPU, Smithfield, Y/B, 469km, vel 1457
ZA GPU 11080/14 - Winner- 1st Club, 1st Division, 3rd GPU, A-North, O/B, 517km, vel 1487
His half brother, ZA GPU 18523/12 was a super breeder for the late A. Carelsen, and he was sold on his auction for R21500.
Gsire to ZA GPU 12128/15 - 3rd Club, 22nd GPU, Y/B, Bloem 1, 397km, 1187 vel
7th Club,7th Div, 16th GPU, Y/B, Edenburg,447km, vel 1402
- Raced by R. Huebsch & Bred by OOA LOFTS
21st Y/B GPU Ace Pigeon 2016
THE DAM: ZA THU 15749/09, 5x WINNER Club, 2 x Div & 2 x GRPA Combine Winner, 2 x 2nd GRPA Winner, GRPA Derby Winner & GRPA Car Winner.Best Y/B GRPA Series 2010 & SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER MIDDLE DISTANCE 2010
Dam & Granddam to winners & 5th THU Baby Sales Race winner of R14 500.
Her son breeds ZA OERF 01739/13-1st Hot Spot Winner Carnival Lofts.
Ggdam to ZA 15409/15 - 1st SAPIR One-Loft race Final Winner 2016. Double ggdam to ZA NOVPF 0130/16 - Carnival City Colesberg Classic Winner - 522km, 1252 vel for B. Davel.
4th C,9th Div,155th GRPA , Y/B,Wburg1, 280km, vel 1250,
Dled-21st THU,O/B, Wburg 1,280km, vel 1482,
Trpld-7th C,21stD,142nd Union,Y/B, Wburg2, 280km, vel 1159,
4th-4thC, 15thD,44th THU, O/B, Bloem1, 385, vel 1257,
5th -16thC,74thD, 248th THU,Y/B, Bloem2, 385km, vel 1079,
6th -5th C,5th D,10th GRPA,Y/B, Eburg1, 451 km, vel 1262,
7th -1st Club, 2nd, 2nd GRPA, Y/B,Eburg2, 451km, vel 1302,
8th-4th C, 4th Div,18th GRPA, Y/B, Tburg, 486km, vel 1302,
9th-3rd C, 11th D,34th GRPA,Y/B,Sftein1,511km,vel 1186,
10th-1st Club, 2nd Div, 6th GRPA, Y/B, Cberg1,589km, vel 1330
11th-8th C,15th D, 57th GRPA,Y/B, Cberg 2, 588km, vel 1155
12th-1st Club, 1st D, 2nd GRPA Derby Winner, Y/B, Hver 1, 656 km, vel 1393,
13th-1st Club, 1stD, 1stGRPA, Y/B, Sftein 2, 511km, vel 1227,
14th-1st C,1st D, 1st GRPA, Y/B, Hver2, 656km, vel 1268
15th- 2nd C, 3rd D, 7th GRPA, WCPC,O/B, Cdock, 701km, vel 1283,
Dam to:
ZA GRPA 06227/12-Club Winner - 1st Club, 1st Div,?GRPA Comb, Y/B, A-North, 517km, vel 1302
11112- One of our top 6 racers the past 2 seasons...........
Granddam to:
ZA GPU 06897/13-Winner - Raced by C & C Da Silva
1st Aliwal North
5th Alliwal North 2
3rd Middelburg
2nd Queenstown
7th Cathcart
Great granddam to:
ZA NOVPF/DP 2660/12 -1st Club, 2nd Fed, 439km, vel 1260
Her daughther, ZA MID 02211/12
Breeds winner for M. Matthys.
ZA GPU 11111/14
6th Club, 18th Div, 46th GPU, Y/B, Rietriver, 474km, vel 1283
11112- Winner
Granddam to various winners for friends.