ZA OERF 01812/10 -Club Winner, raced 7/7 times scored. Top Racer.
We have also added 5 Winners (Pedigrees) that are VERY CLOSELY related to last weekend's winners on Winburg 1
His other brothers and sisters:
4 x (2 x Equal) Club Winner, 2nd Division, 6th Combine Winner
1st ACE Bird GRPA Young Bird Series 2011
2nd ACE Bird Middle Distance GRPA Y/B Series 2011
3rd ACE Bird Overall Youg & Old Bird Series 2011
18th ACE Bird GRPA Y/B Series 2011 Short Distance
1st Club THU Y/B, Winburg 1, 280km dbled
1st Club, 4rd Div, 15th GRPA,Y/B, Winburg 2, 285 km, vel 1136
Equal Winner Loftmate wins!! Came together, lost by millisecond
2nd Club, 2nd Division, 6thGRPA Comb,?y/b Edenburg 1, 451km, vel 1223
Equal WinnerLoftmates1st,2nd
3rd Club,5th Div, 6th GRPA Comb, Y/B, Gariep 1, 550km, vel 1344 dbl
8th Club,15th Div,17th GRPA Comb, Y/B, Colesberg1, 588km, vel 1235
trple-7th Club, 24thDiv,55th GRPA Comb,O/B,Hanover,657km, vel 1292
4th in a row-19th Club, GRPA Y/B,Gariep 2, 550km, vel 1477 rest
11th Club,30thDiv,44thGRPA Comb,Y/B,Steynsburg,608km,vel113
3 x Equal Winner-Traps with Loftmates 3 x 3rd in a row!
Equal Ace Bird Club Young Bird Series 2011
Equal Ace Bird Division Y/B Series 2011 (Loftmate has same points!!)
6th ACE Bird Overall Old & Young Bird Series GRPA Combine 2011
12th ACE Bird Young Bird Series GRPA Combine 2011
31st ACE Bird Middle Distance Young Bird Series GRPA 2011
42nd ACE Bird Short Distance Young Bird Series GRPA Comb. 2011
20th Club, GRPA, Y/B, Bloem 1, 388km, vel 1704
dbl-23rd C,43rdD,52nd, GRPA, Y/B, Bloem 2, 388km, vel 1383 rest
6th Club,19thDiv, 166th GRPA Y/B, Rburg 2, 431 km, vel 1359
dbl-Loftmates 1st, and nestmate brother 2nd!! Winner!
3rd Club, 4th Div, 12th GRPA Comb,Y/B, Edenburg1, 451km, vel 1212
tripled-Winner Loftmates 1st and second!Trap together.
3rd Club, GRPA Y/B, Trompsburg, 488km, vel 1409
Winner-Loftmates wins 1st & 2nd Club
4th-3rd Club,15thDiv, 88thGRPA Comb, Sfontein, 511km, vel 1558
5th-16th Club,26thD,37thGRPAComb, Y/B, Gariep 1, 550km, vel 1332
3rdClub,12thDiv,26thGRPAComb,O/B,Hanover,657km,vel 1305 dbl-
11th Club, 38thDiv,123rd GRPAComb, Y/B, Gariep2, 550km, vel 1485
10th Club,28thDiv,42ndGRPAComb,Y/B, Steynsberg, 608km, vel 1137
8th Club,12th Div,30thGRPA Comb, Richmond, 716km, vel 899
ZA THU 00124/10-Winner. BROTHER
13th Club, 77th TRPF, Dewetsdorp, 398km, vel 1400
1st Club, 44th TRPF, Smithfield 1, vel 1452
4th Club,21st Division, 39th THU, Cradock, 702km, vel 1144
17thClub,54th Div,141stTHU, B-West, 870km, vel 761