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Out of Africa : OUR NR 1 TOM LOCK HEN LINE




OOA & J & P Lofts had another good season.
We managed to defend most of our titles and won some others as well.
Our R80 & R100 000 x 30116 Tom Lock x BAK 17 GOLDEN CARELLY lines, as well as our BAK 17 SUPERBREEDER 810 X VAN RHYN CLOECKS did us proud again.

We achieved the following:
* Young Bird Union CChampions
* Old Bird Union Champions
* Overall Single Bird Union Champions
* Overall All Bird Union Champions
* Overall Combined Union Champions
* 2nd Short DIstance Union Champions
* 1st Middle Distance Union Champions
* 1st Long Distance Union Champions
* 1st and 2nd Ace Pigeons Club.
See http://www.thu.co.za/

One-Loft Racing
* 1st CPLofts Bloemfontein Final 2016
* 2nd, 6th,etc Klapmuts Final 2016


The cock on offer represents the ROYAL CREAM DE LA CREAM OF OUR TOM LOCK SUPER PAIRS.
In his pedigree you find the following superbreeder and superracers:

* 6368 X 18450 ( The famous JUAN 2 X HERMIEN 2 X SANPO GOLD MEDAL PAIR)
* R80 000 SUPER PAIR ( ZA 19150/02 X SA THU 1648/03 )
* R100 000 SUPER PAAR
* " MONEYMAKER " - SA THU 6224/05 - SUPERBREEDER. Sire to Superracers.
* ZA TRPF 19318/09 - 4 X Winner & 1st National Ace Pigeon L/D 2011

We have decided to offer a linebred cock to our CURRENT NR 1 SUPERBREEDER HEN, ZA THU 08816/09, Direct daughter to our R80 000 SUPER PAIR.

This hen ZA THU 08816/09 was a super racer herself, 2 X Winner, and Winner of East Rand Division Sales Race.

ZA THU 08816/09 - "NR 1 STOCK HEN " 2 x Winner.
Dam to 17 wins in 4 seasons. Granddam to Winners.
Her first son sold, ZA GPU 15131/11 - Bred PTA Federation Winner -D. Trosky. Her second son sold, ZA OERF 09416/11, sire to ZA WELL 75/12 -Raced by Gerhard Steenkamp.- 2nd Club, 2nd Fed, 2nd Wes Boland Union.
Also to ZA 60273/12- Piet Van wyk- 1st Club, 2nd Fed, 3rd Union, 656km, vel 1223

ZA GRPA 04159/11-5 x (3 x Equal) Winner. 1st Ace Bird GRPA Y/B Series Middle Distance 2012
6th Ace Pigeon GRPA Young Bird Series 2012
1st Club,22ndDiv, 42nd TRPF O/B, Winburg 2, 282 km, vel 1442
26th Club, 134th Div, 341st THU O/B, Bloem 3, 381km, vel 1005
18th Club,?Div,?THU O/B, Tburg, 483km, vel 1227
Dbl-6th Club,8th Div,42nd GRPA O/B, Comb, Eburg, 447 km, vel 1525
Triple-10th Club, 29thDiv,81stGRPA Comb.Y/B,Tburg, 485km, vel 1052
4th-7th Club,21stDiv,24th GRPA Y/B Comb, Sfntein, 507km, vel 1046
5th-1st Club,2nd Div,2nd GRPAComb, Y/B,Gariep1,547km, vel 996
Equal Winner. Loftmate wins
2nd Club,2nd Div,2nd GRPA Comb. Y/B, Hanover 2, 652km, vel 1946
2013 season dam to:
ZA WPU/D 11245/12 - 3 5  ( 1 Equal)  X Winner
1st Club, winner by 34 seconds this past weekend for a client of ours.
1st Club, Kimberley, 278km, vel 1065 Club winner by 18 minutes, section winner by 12:18 minutes on a DOUBLE UP! Rested
Equal 1st. Lofmates 1st, 2nd Club.
3rd Club, 17th Division, 40 th Union, Hopetown, 402 km.
She is dam in turn to ZA WPU 3202/14- Winner for C. Fernandez
ZA GPU 17902/12-9th GPU Sales Race. R6 562-50- 1st Club, 1st Division, 2nd GPUnion, Winburg 2, Y/B, 297km, 1702 vel
22nd Club, 67th Div, 346th GPU Y/B, Bloem 2, 397km, vel 1347
11th Club, 189th GPU, Y/B, Tburg 1, 496km, vel 1507
11th Club, 17th Div, 52 nd GPU, O/B, Winburg 1, 2014
12th Club, 36th O/B, GPU, Hanover 665km, vel 1009
2nd Club, 2nd Div, 4th GPU, Middelburg, O/B, 675km, vel  1020
ZA GPU 07483/14 - 2 x Winner. Winner of sales race & Club Winner.
1st Club, 4th GPU, Britstown, Y/B, 670km, vel  1235
1st Club, 9th GPU O/B, Edenburg, 448km, vel 1468
ZA GPU 07484/14 - 2 x Club Winner & Union Winner on Hot day....
41st Club, 164th GPU, O/B, Winburg 1, 280km, vel 1171
16th Club, 16th Div, 67th GPU, Bloem 1, Y/B, 384km, vel 1179
1st Club, 2nd Div, 2nd GPUnion, Bloem 2, Y/B, 385 km, vel 1414
13th Club, 51st GPU, Smithfield, Y/B, 469km, vel 1446 rest
31ST Club, 179th GPU, Hanover Derby, 653km, vel 1133
1st Club, 1st Div, 1st GPU Union, O./B, Middelburg, 682km, vel 1084
ZA GPU 06191/14 - Club, Division & Union Winner
38th Club, 139th GPU, Y/B, Winburg 1, 280km, vel 1122
8th Club, 8th Div, 17th GPU, Bloem 1, Y/B, 384km, vel 1199
20th Club, 33rd Div, 78th GPU, Y/B, Bloem 2, 385km, vel 1371 REST
20th Club, 87th GPU, Smithfield, Y/B, 469km, vel 1446
3rd Club, 3rd Division, 10th GPUnion, Aliwal North, Y/B, 517km, vel 1454
1st Club, 1st GPU, O/B, Richmond 2, 716 km, vel 1101
ZA GPU 17912/12 -Winner & Short Distance Ace GPU- 1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU Y/B Series 2013 & 5th Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU O/B Series 2014
3rd Ace Pigeon Overall Club GPU Y/B Series 2013
6th Overall Ace Pigeon GPU Y/B Series 2013
Winner of GPU Young Bird Sales Race 2013 R37500
5th Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU O/B Series 2014
ZA GPU 11262/14 - 1st Club, 1st Division, 7th Union, Colesberg5, 584km, vel 1441

Granddam to o.a:
ZA WELL 75/12 -Raced by Gerhard Steenkamp. 2nd Club, 2nd Fed, 2nd Wes Boland Union.
Granddam to:
ZA GPU 00229/15 - 1st Club, 1st Division, 1st GPU Union, Edenburg,Y/B, 448km,vel 1410
ZA GPU 11080/14 - 1st Club, 1st Division, 3rd GPU, A-North, O/B, 517km, vel 1487
ZA GPU 04626/14 - 1st Club, 1st Div, 3rd GPU, Smithfield, Y/B, 469km, vel 1457
Ggranddam to ZA GPU 02801/15 -2nd Central Bloemfontein Lofts, Leeu Gamka, 524km, vel 1051


Starting: 22 Oct 2016 09:00
Ending: 22 Nov 2016 19:30

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  ZA CYRILS 1665/16
Bred by Out of Africa Lofts
R 6 500.00
Sold To: Bravo
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