A better bred DE RAUW SABLON BAK 17 hen, based on performance and winning genetics as well as ACE PIGEONS in normal as well as One-Loft Races will be hard to find.
If pigeons could have been guaranteed to probably breed winners, this hen would get that stamp.
* ZA GRPA 0667/10 4 X (1 x Equal) x Club Winner, 3rd National Ace Bird Long Distance S.A 2011, BRONZ MEDAL WINNER SANPO 2011, 1st ACE Bird Middle Distance Young Bird Series GRPA 2011
* ZA GPU 15264/11-5 x Club, 2 x Pontoon &L/N &1 X Division Winner. 2nd GPU Car race winner. (Club Derby Winner) 1st Ace Pigeon Y/B M/D & Overall Distances Y/B Series 2012
* ZA GPU 05751/12 -Winner of R15 000, 3rd Carnival Winter Race Final 2013 & 3rd Ace Pigeon Hot Spot 1-4 Plus Final Winter Race 2013
* GPU 15121/11, DAM to 1st Ace Pigeon O/B Series, 5th Final race Bloemfontein Central Lofts 2015..
* ZA GRPA 04159/11-5 x (3 x Equal) Winner. ,1st Ace Bird GRPA Y/B Series Middle Distance 2012, 6th Ace Pigeon GRPA Young Bird Series 2012
* ZA GPU 17912/12 -Winner. GPU SALE RACE WINNER OF R37 500- 1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU Y/B Series 2013 & 5th Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU O/B Series 2014
ZA VPU/D 1128/15
* Balanced
* A ball of Muscle power!!
* Louvred wing
* Bred from a SUPER ACE LINE.
* Both her grandsires are SUPERBREEDERS of ACES!
*Her one grandsire is our current NR 1 COCK, BELG 4018079/09, "GOLDEN CARELLY". Sire to 15 wins thus far. Grandsire to 14 winners.
The other grandsire BELG 6234611/11, is sire to 10 Wins, grandsire to winner.Sire to o.a.:
* ZA TRPF/D 26144/11-5 x Equal Club Winner,
* ZA GRPA 0667/10 4 X (1 x Equal) x Club Winner, 2 x Division Winner, 3rd National Ace Bird Long Distance S.A 2011, BRONZ MEDAL WINNER SANPO 2011, 1st ACE Bird Middle Distance Young Bird Series GRPA 2011, 2nd ACE Bird Young Bird Series GRPA 2011, 4th ACE Bird Overalll Young & Old Bird Series 2011
The sisters, BELG 6234610/11 is dam to ZA GPU 06716/13 - 1st Club, 2nd GPUnion Hanover, O/B, 652km, vel 1457.
The other sister, BELG 6234664/10, Dam to ZA GPU 15264/11-5 x Club, 2 x Pontoon &L/N &1 X Division Winner. 2nd GPU Car race winner. (Club Derby Winner) 1st Ace Pigeon Y/B M/D & Overall Distances Y/B Series 2012
The other sister, BELG 6171377/11- Dam to ZA GPU 05751/12 -Winner of R15 000, 3rd Carnival Winter Race Final 2013 & 3rd Ace Pigeon Hot Spot 1-4 Plus Final Winter Race 2013
The granddams are also both SUPERBREEDERS.
The one granddam, ZA GPU 15704/11- SUPER BREEDER of various winners for P. Venter.
Half sister to ZA GPU 15264/11-5 x Club, 2 x Pontoon &L/N &1 X Division Winner. 2nd GPU Car race winner. (Club Derby Winner) 1st Ace Pigeon Y/B M/D & Overall Distances Y/B Series 2012.
Dam to OA:
* ZA BPF/D 5918/12- 1st Club, 3rd Div,22nd fed, L-Gamka, 570km, vel 1148
* ZA BPF/D 5923/12 - 1st Club,13th Bloem Fed, Cradock 1 Y/B, 340km
The other granddam, BELG 4138855/07 " SUPERBREEDER 8855"
Granddam to :
ZA GPU 12653/12- Winner of Final Race Western Cape Klapmuts Lofts 2013
Ggranddam to ZA GPU 11202/14 -2nd Final Race Klapmuts 2015, 500km, vel 1500 Equal winner. 2 birds on the drop.....
ZA GRPA 00635/12 "SUNNY GIRL"- 14th Final Dinokeng
ZA GPU 12652/12 - Winner of 2nd Club Competition 2013
Granddam to ZA GPU 12690/12 - Dam to 1st Club, 15th Fed, Vrede for Danny Bradshaw
Granddam to ZA GPU 07374/12 - Dam to winners for her new owner, Neil Johnson. 337km, vel 1350 Aliwal North.
Great granddam to ZA GPU 04618/14- 1st Training Race Dinokeng, Ventersburg, 304 km, vel 1278
Her nestmate sister's children breeds thus far Proven Breeders of top stock birds. Her first grandson wins: ZA SVPV 0417/11-1st Club,1st Federation SVPV, Uniondale Y/B, 535km, vel 1094
The previous weekend the R80 000 TOM LOCK Line when crossed with our MONSTER COCK/CARELLY BAK 17 Lines won both OLD & YOUNG BIRD races.
ZA GPU 00229/15 - 1st Club, 1st Division, 1st GPU Union, Edenburg,Y/B, 448km,vel 1410 - "MONSTER COCK X DTR CARELLY" - See attached pedigree
ZA GPU 07483/14 -1st Club, 9th GPU O/B, Edenburg, 448km, vel 1468 - See attached pedigree
Other fanciers are also winning with this line two weeks in a row from a baby kit purchased from us...........
ZA GPU 07153/15 - 1st Club, 10th Union, Winburg 2, 294km, vel 1942 Raced by H. De Noon. Bred by OOA LOFTS
ZA GPU 07146/15 - 1st Club, 30th GPU, Y/B, Bloem 1, 397km, 1183vel - Raced by H. De Noon. Bred by OOA LOFTS
ZA GPU 02886/15 - 11th Club,39th GPU Union, Edenburg,Y/B, 448km,vel 1393
ZA GPU 13283/15 - Raced by R. Huebsch- 9th Club,9th Div, 18th GPU, Y/B, Eburg,447km, vel 1402
ZA GPU 12128/15 - 3rd Club, 22nd GPU, Y/B, Bloem 1, 397km, 1187 vel, 7th Club,7th Div, 16th GPU, Y/B, Edenburg,447km, vel 1402 - Raced by R. Huebsch & Bred by OOA LOFTS & 11th GPU Y/B Ace Pigeon to date
ZA GPU 12231/14- Raced by H. De Noon- 5th Club,58th GPU, O/B, Edenburg,461km, vel 1441
ZA GPU 12254/14- Raced by H De Noon - 4th Club,53rd GPU, O/B, Edenburg,461km, vel 1402
We have won 11 Club races, and 5 Unions with EVERY WINNER being a grand or ggrandchild of the R80 000 SUPER COCK!!!!!
We are racing under J & P Lofts as partners with our friends Peet Hartman and John.
The Tom Lock/Sablon/Sierens line this season did the main damage for us.
The Tom Lock x SABLON BAK 17 Crosses achieved the following results for us:
GPU Overall Young Bird Champions 2015
GPU Single Bird Young Bird Champions 2015
GPU All Bird Y/B Averages Champions 2015
GPU Short Distance Old Bird Champions 2015
Overall Old & Young Bird Series Combined GPUnion Points Champions 2015
The R80 000 SUPERBREEDER COCK'S progeny is what is doing the damage for us at the moment when crossed with the "GOLDEN CARELLY" BAK 17 /STERKE / R50 000 SierensLine.
We have won 11 Club races, and 5 Unions with EVERY WINNER being a grand or ggrandchild of the R80 000 SUPER COCK!!!!!
6/11 of our wins are either bred directly or of children of our NR 1 PAIR, " GOLDEN CARELLY X 08816, DTR OF THE R80 000 SUPER PAIR "
Look at the high level of performances these pigeons are capable of on Union Level. Top 3 consistantly....
ZA GPU 06191/14 - 1st Club, 1st GPU, O/B, Richmond 2, 716 km, vel 1101
ZA GPU 07484/14 - 1st Club, 1st Div, 1st GPU Union, O./B, Middelburg, 682km, vel 1084
ZA GPU 07483/14 - Winner of sales race & Club Winner. 1st Club, 4th GPU, Britstown, Y/B, 670km, vel 1235
ZA GPU 07484/14 - Winner. 1st Club, 2nd Div, 2nd GPUnion, Bloem 2, Y/B, 385 km, vel 1414
ZA GPU 7264/14 - 1st Club, 1st Div, 1st GPU, Britstown Union Challenge, 670km, vel 1306
ZA GPU 11080/14 - 1st Club, 1st Division, 3rd GPU, A-North, O/B, 517km, vel 1487
ZA GPU 04626/14 - Winner. 1st Club, 1st Div, 3rd GPU, Smithfield, Y/B, 469km, vel 1457
ZA GPU 7246/14 - 1st Club, 1st Union, Trompsburg, Y//B, 485km, vel 1138
ZA GPU 6086/12 - 1st Club, 2nd Div, 2nd GPUnion, Bloemfontein 1, O/B, 384km, vel 1248
ZA GPU 6086/12- 1st Club, 5th Div, 10th GPU, Winburg 2, O/B, 2980KM, VEL 1438
ZA GPU 11163/13 "HULK"-Raced by J & P Lofts. - 1st Club, 1st Division, 1st GPU, Winburg 1, 280km, vel 1177,581
ZA GPU 11112/14 - 2nd Club, 2nd Division, 2nd Union, Sfield O/B, 469km, vel 1472.124
ZA GPU 11278/14 - 3rd Club, 6th GPU, O/B, Richmond 2, 716 km, vel 1106
BELG 4018079/09 - our current NR 1 COCK, "GOLDEN CARELLY". Sire to 15 wins thus far. Grandsire to 14 winners
Sire to ZA GPU 15121/11, DAM to 1st Ace Pigeon O/B Series, 5th Final race Bloemfontein Central Lofts 2015..
Greatgrandsire to ZA WELL 34/13 - 1st Club, 1st Swartland Federasie, 1st Wes Boland Unie
Sire to ZA GRPA 04159/11-5 x (3 x Equal) Winner. ,1st Ace Bird GRPA Y/B Series Middle Distance 2012, 6th Ace Pigeon GRPA Young Bird Series 2012
ZA WPU/D 11245/12 - 3 ( 1 Equal) X Winner
1st Club, winner by 34 seconds this past weekend for a client of ours.
1st Club, Kimberley, 278km, vel 1065 Club winner by 18 minutes, section winner by 12:18 minutes on a DOUBLE UP! Rested
Equal 1st. Lofmates 1st, 2nd Club.- 3rd Club, 17th Division, 40 th Union, Hopetown, 402 km.
ZA GPU 17912/12 -Winner. GPU SALE RACE WINNER OF R37 500- 1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU Y/B Series 2013 & 5th Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU O/B Series 2014
3rd Ace Pigeon Overall Club GPU Y/B Series 2013
6th Overall Ace Pigeon GPU Y/B Series 2013
Winner of GPU Young Bird Sales Race 2013 R37500
5th Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU O/B Series 2014
Daughter to GOLDEN CARELLI, ZA 2010 GRPA 2938/10, "Golden Wing, sold on sapigeonauctions, Bred ZA FB 2011 01370, 3rd Club.3rd Fed, Beaufort West , 401km,vel 1006. Rain, overcast, headwind. Also dam to 8th Position STRAND Race 2013,
Winner of R8000. SUPERBREEDER in 1st Season for us.One baby raced and scored 10/10 times ZA 08195/10.
ZA GPU 17902/12-9th GPU Sales Race. R6 562-50- 1st Club, 1st Division, 2nd GPUnion, Winburg 2, Y/B, 297km, 1702 vel
22nd Club, 67th Div, 346th GPU Y/B, Bloem 2, 397km, vel 1347
11th Club, 189th GPU, Y/B, Tburg 1, 496km, vel 1507
11th Club, 17th Div, 52 nd GPU, O/B, Winburg 1, 2014
12th Club, 36th O/B, GPU, Hanover 665km, vel 1009
2nd Club, 2nd Div, 4th GPU, Middelburg, O/B, 675km, vel 1020
ZA GPU 07483/14 - 2 x Winner. Also Boksburg Sales race winner.
ZA GPU 07484/14 - 2 x Club Winner & Union Winner on Hot day....
1st Club, 2nd Div, 2nd GPUnion, Bloem 2, Y/B, 385 km, vel 1414
1st Club, 1st Div, 1st GPU Union, O./B, Middelburg, 682km, vel 1084
ZA GPU 06191/14 - Club, Division & Union Winner -1st Club, 1st GPU, O/B, Richmond 2, 716 km, vel 1101
Sire to:
ZA GRPA 6421/10, Sold on sapigeon auctions to T. Boshoff.SIRE TO:
5th Overall Hot Spot Colesberg SAPIR LOFTS Winner of R5000
3rd Nominated Pigeon- Hot Spot Colesberg SAPIR LOFTS
9th Final Race Richmond SAPIR LOFTS 2013
Grandsire to:
ZA GPU 11080/14 - 1st Club, 1st Division, 3rd GPU, A-North, O/B, 517km, vel 1487
Grandsire to ZA GPU 04626/14 - 1st Club, 1st Div, 3rd GPU, Smithfield, Y/B, 469km, vel 1457
PONG 0918/14, 1st Club, 3rd Zululand Combine . Her dam is ZA GRP 00712/12
His daughter ZA OERF 09369/11 -Dam to 4 winners thus far for A. Strauss.
His daughter ZA GPU 15766/11, is dam to winners & SVPV 1239/14, 2nd Fed, 481km, 1255 vel.
Grandsire to ZA WPU 3202/14- Winner for C. Fernandez
Hand picked by PIPA & A. Verbesselt. Bred from A. Verbesselt's R2 000 000 Number 1 Breeding Pair. Full brother "KING", sold for E36 000 (SA R425 000) on PIPA Auction. Full sister "MISS SARAH" sold for 13 200 (R150 000) His full brother in Italy bred the Provincial and National Ace Pigeon 2011 season, "ILL RAGNO" HIS SIRE: Nestbrother to grandfather of: 2nd Prize Final Spring Race 0ne Million Euro Race China 2010, 10th Prize Final Race Grand Pigeon Race Thailand 2009 Sold for R1 300 000 on A. Verbesselt's Total Dispersal Auction on PIPA HIS DAM: "MISS JOICE" is a Super Breeder of One Loft Performers, and a direct Daughter of Super Breeder 970, Sire to 1st Asduif KBDB Long Distance 2006 (Eric Limbourg) Sold for R735 000 on A. Verbesselt's Total Dispersal Auction on PIPA
His sister is granddam to TO 31ST SCMDPR 29TH ACE - pedigree saved