1/2 BROTHER TO GPU 15123/11, Dam to ZA GRPA 00790/12, Dam to ZA NIX 131/15, 1st Carnival Summer Race final 2015 for Midland Lofts.
ZA GPU 11669/15
* Balanced
* Muscled
* Same eye as his Granddam, SA THU 6378/05, our Foundation hen.
* 1/2 Brother to ZA GPU 15123/11, Dam to ZA GRPA 00790/12, Dam to ZA NIX 131/15, 1st Carnival Summer Race final 2015 for Midland Lofts.
* Linebred for stock to ZA THU 4426/06 -Foundation Van Rhyn Cloeck Cock. Sire to 11 wins ( DIED.)
ZA PSWU 1175/07-Derby Winner-Ellisras
ZA THU 15872/09-4 X Club, Division & Combine Winner
ZA THU 16326/09-2 X Club Winner
ZA THU 16327/09-Club Winner
ZA GRPA 2928/10-Club Winner, 3rd Division, 3rd Combine
ZA OERF 05397/09-Club Winner
ZA THU 16945/09-Winner
Gsire to ZA GRPA 0399/10- Dam to Fed Winner for R. De Vries
* Also grandson to SA THU 6378/05 Foundation Van Rhyn Cloeck hen. , Dam to 16 wins.
Gdam to Club, Union and Federation Winners.
Granddam to ZA GPU 12653/12, 1st Klapmuts Western Cape Lofts 2013 Final. Winner of R50 000
Ggranddam to ZA GPU 11202/ 14 - 2nd Klapmuts Final 2015. -Winner of R25 000
Ggdam to ZA GPU 11128/14 - 2nd Winner's Flight One-Loft Race Final 2015 - Winner of R25 000
Gdam to ZA GRPA 00635/12 "SUNNY BOY" - 14th Place Prize Winner of R14 000 Final Race Dinokeng
Granddam to ZA GPU 12652/12 - Winner of 2nd Club Competition 2013 - DINOKENG LOFTS
Also granddam ZA SVPV 0631/13 -Fed Winner. Bred and raced by N. Terblanche. 1st Club, 1st Federation 591km, vel 1612.
Gdam to ZA GPU 05713/13- 3rd HotSpot 5 vel 963, distance 368km. 5 birds on the drop Klapmuts Lofts -Garies & 28th Final Race Western Cape Klapmuts Final 2014
DAM TO various winner and SUPER RACERS and SUPER BREEDERS:
ZA GRPA 02823/11 - 1st Club,4thDiv,13th GRPA Combine, GRPA Y/B, Colesberg1, 584km, vel 890
Winner- ZACYRILS 1325/07-1,19,15,9,3,22,25-Super breeder
2 X Winner- ZACYRILS 1326/07-27,14,1,6,3,7,15,1-Super Breeder
2 X Winner ZA THU 05888/09-Put to stock 2011
2 X Winner ZA THU 16392/09-2 X Winner -Put to Stock
2x Winner ZA OERF 05675/09-Put to stock 2011
Winner-ZA GRPA 3108/10 1st Club,1st Div, 1st Combine GRPA 2011
ZA GRPA 02823/11-Winner - 1st Club,4thDiv,13th GRPA Comb,GRPA Y/B, Cberg1,584km, vel 890
ZA GPU 06525/12- Equal 1st, 3rd Club,6th Div,8th Union,Winburg 1,Y/B, 278km,vel 1254
ZA WPU/D 11332/12 - 2 x Winner. Raced by Clinton Fernandez
Bred SCMDPR TOP 10 Hot Spot Winner of $1000, and 106th SCMDPR Final 2012 Winning another $1250.
Granddam to:
ZA FB 38064/12 -1st Club, 1st Fed, 1st Wes Boland Union Raced by Van Wyk Family. Bred by Out of Africa Lofts.
ZA GPU 16708/12- Dbl-Equal Club Winner. Loftmate wins. 2nd Club, 2nd Div, 14th GRPA Comb, O/B, Cradck, 702km, vel 1642
Line and inbred to the Famous "11x Winner Flip Cock" Van Rhyn Cloeck "2 x 3rd Carnival" and "Car Winner 2007" bloodline.
Both sons are now Foundation Cocks for Juan Breytenbach..