ZA CYRILS 4811/14
A fantastic handler.
* Balanced
* Unbelievable muscle quailty
* Ventilated wing.
* One of my favourites ever weaned.
* Bred for stock from two proven breeders.
THE SIRE: SA THU 21394/10 "4 X ZIKO"
Sire to o.a. ZA FB 38062/12 -Raced by the VAN WYK Family Wellington
1st Club, 5th Federation, 5th Union, Beaufort -West, 1077 vel
His sire's nestmate brother is also a great stock cock, and sire to winners as well as:
ZA GPU 15838/11-3 x Winner (1 x Equal) Club, Division & Combine Winner. 2nd Ace Bird L/D, & 2nd ACE BIRD Overall O/B Series GPU 2013 & 3rd National Ace Pigeon SANPO Bronze Medal Winner L/D 2013
THE DAM: ZA GRPA 0178/10 New Proven Breeder.
First season in stock already Dam to winners.:
ZA GRPA 09783/12-Winner
ZA GRPA 09784/12-Winner
ZA GPU 10341/12 - Top Racer
ZA WYNLAND 5299/120Raced by J. Bredenham
5th Club,51st Union Wynland, Lainsburg, Y/B, vel 1046
9th Club, 40th Union Wynland, B-West, Y/B, vel 1296
35th Club, 135th Union, Wynland,Van Rhynsdorp, Y/B, vel 1002
14th Club, 49th Union, Wynland, Leeu-Gamka, Y/B, VEL 1155
11th Club, 58th Wynland Union, L-Gamka, vel 1155
ZA WYNLAND 5298/12-Raced by Jannie Bredenham
14th Club, 106th Union, Wynland, Lainsburg, Y/B, vel 915
3rd Club, 11th Union, Wynland, B-West, Y/B, vel 1391
11th Club, 38th Union, Wynland, Vic-West, Y/B, VEL 994
Also related to 22 other WINS:O.A.:
SA THU 6313/051stC, 1st Div, 5th THU,4thTHU Car Race 2006.
SA THU 2536/06- THU 2007 Car Winner
SA THU 16756/09 3rd ACE Y/B THU 2010 for J. Breytenbach.
ZA THU 11634/07-Club, Division and Union Winner Hanover 2008
SA THU 6313/05 -1st Club,1st Section, 4th Union,etc.
SA THU 16324/09 & Nestmate 16325/09Winner, etc.S
ZA THU 11876/07-Winner,Superracer.
ZA OERF 8123/07-Wins 3rd in Money race,etc.
ZA GRPA 02823/11 - 1st Club,4thDiv,13th GRPA Combine, GRPA Y/B, Colesberg1, 584km, vel 890
ZA WPU/D 11322/12 -1st Club, 1st Section , 5th Union, Leeu Gamka, 803km, vel 1603
ZA PWF 4184/13 -Won 5th HS3 (first drop) Richmond 321Km, 1695mpm Central Provincial Lofts 2014.