Direct son to one of our best stock cocks on offer.
ZA CYRILS 5623/13
* Balanced
* Muscled
* Ventilated wing
* Full Brother to ZA OERF 09936/11, Dam to 2 babies in her first season 1st and 2nd Club, as well as 1st Union Winner 2012 for B. Loots.
* His other sister, ZA GPU 15141/11 breeds winners for P. Venter
* Sister to Muliple Winners and Ace Pigeons.
Direct daughters to one of our BEST M. Aelbrecht Producers of multiple Winners and Ace Pigeons.
* The best we can offer from the STERKE ACE LINE.
Linebred to One of 3 of the most successfull De Rauw Sablon/Aelbrecht performance lines in the world., DE SMALLEN & STERKE LINES.
* This line is breeding winners, multiple winners and Ace Pigeons for Out of Africa Lofts, Flanders Collection in Belgium, the sire's nestmate brother's son, has bred 5 winners for Monty Schmidt Polokwane Champion Racer, Phillip Venter and W. Terbalnche in the Free Sate,etc.
CURRENTLY one of Out of Africa Loft's best Stock Cocks EVER!!
Top Breeder 2011/13.Sire to 10 Wins ,3 Winners and one 3 x Winner, 1 x Federation Winner, and a 4 X Winner, Ace Pigeon THU Middle Distance O/B Series 2012, 2nd Ace Pigeon Overall Old Bird Series 2012.
Also grandsire to 3 winners.
ZA BPF/D 8480/10,Club,Division & Federation Winner. ALSO SUPERBREEDER in 2 seasons.
2nd Club,4th Div,31st Fed, Y/B, GRaaf-Reinette O/B,vel 1079
1st Club,1st Div,1st Fed Willowmore, 525km, vel 1361
Already sire to 3 winners for Phillip Venter.
ZA GRPA 2936/10-Equal Winner Scored 9/9 races flown!!
ZA GRPA 2935/10 -11th, 8th Club
ZA GRPA 02853/11-3 x Club Winner, Division Winner, 2x Pontoon
Best organisation positions 7th Union,4th Combine, 23rd Combine.
Raced and scored 10/10 times.
6th Club, Y/B TRPF Club, 214th TRPF, Winburg 2, 282km, vel 1406
Dbl-70th Club,179th Div,315th THU O/B,Wburg 1,282km,vel 1671 rest
1st Club, 7th Division, 7th THU O/B, Bloem 3, 381km, vel 1065
DBL-26th Club, 143rd Div,347th THU O/B, Tburg, 483km, vel 1 804
Triple-27th Club, THU O/B, Tburg, 483km, vel 1208
24th Club, GRPA Y/B, Sfntein, 507km, vel 1013 REST
24th Club, ?Div,?GRPA Comb, Y/B, Cberg 1, 584km, vel 726 REST
1st Club,1st Div,4th GRPA ? Comb, Mburg, 663 km, vel 1093 REST
1st Club,8th Div,23rd THU O/B, Richmond3, 711km, vel 1612 REST
8th Club,16th Div,52nd GRPA Comb, O/B, V-West, 758km, vel 1151
ZA GRPA 02854/11-4 (1 X Equal) x Club Winner . 3 X Pontoon & L/N Winner, 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance THU O/B Series 2012, 2nd Overall Ace Pigeon O/B Series THU 2012
1st,2nd, 2nd,9th, 28rd THU Union Winner
1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance THU O/B Series 2012
2nd Overall Ace Pigeon O/B Series THU 2012
5th Club, 200th TRPF O/B, Wburg 2, 282km, vel 1407
Equal Winner
Dbl-2nd Club,4th Div, 9th O/B THUnion, Wburg 2, 282km, vel 1744 Rest
11th Club,108th Div, 173rd THU O/B, Cberg 1, 584km, vel 1577
Dbl-1st Club, 2nd Div,2nd THU O/B, Colesberg 2, 584km, vel 1149 rest
1st Club, 1st Div,1st THU O/B, Hanover 1, 652km, vel 1064 REST
1st Club,1st Div,2nd THU O/B Challenge, Hanover 3, 652km, vel 1941
DBL-4th Club,23rdDiv,28th THU O/B, Rmond, 712km, vel 1276
ZA GRPA 12109/12-Equal Winner
Grandsire to 3 winners already O.A.:
ZA BPF/D 5918/12- 1st Club, 3rd Div,22nd fed, L-Gamka, 570km, vel 1148
ZA BPF/D 5923/12-1st Club,13th Bloem Fed, Cradock 1 Y/B, 340km, vel 1035
-5th Club,8thD,34th fed,Williowmore, 530km, vel 1520
8th Club,18thD,106th Fed,L-Gamka,570km,vel 1179
Also grandsire to:
ZA BPF/D 5959/12- 1st Club, 2nd Div, 7th Fed, G-Reinette, 380km, vel 1267 Bloem Fed
13th Club, 44th D, 3 Susters, 430km, vel 1247
His daughter, ZA GPU 15141/11 Top Breeder of winners for P. Venter, Bloemfontein
His nestmate brother's son, ZA GPU 15153/11. Purchased by M. Schmidt on sapigeonauctions. Already sire to 5 Club winners and Federation Winner sin a very short time.
Proven breeder of Winners in first season at stock.
A picture perfect hen with all the attributes of a top stock hen.
Linebred to the very best Foundation Birds of De Rauw Sablon
*Lijn Smallen *Lijn Limoges *Lijn Topkweker Freddy * Den Dromer
Also in the pedigree: *De Crack *Den Ijzeren