* The GEERINCKX Bloodline has become very popular all over the world, and very expensive to purchase.
* The few priviliged fanciers in South Africa that has obtained a minimum amount of these pigeons, have had tremendous success.
* This family has already bred us winners, as well as a multiple winner, and one of our best 2013 babies.
* Linebred for stock half brother x half sister to Geerinckx NR 1 Stallion Cock, "GLADIATOR"
3rd National Asduif KBKD HF 2004
2nd Olympiade Duif Snelheid Porto 2005
Super Breeder. Sire to super racers:
Grandsire to "MISS MAGIC" -2 X Winner
5th National Ace Bird KBDB 2011
The sire is a proven breeder in his first season at stock.
The dam was purchased in 2012 on PIPA for a lot of money.
We have 3 grandchildren in our race loft bred of a daughter of GLADIATOR, and they have scored as follows thus far:
ZA TRPF 26169/11-3 x Equal Winner-"NIGHTFLYER"
9th Club, 13th Div, 56th GRPA Comb, Winburg , 282km, vel 1662
Dbl-30th Club,84th Div, 146th THU O/B, Winburg 2, 282km, vel, 1379
Equal Winner. Loftmate wins Club- CLOCKED 2 IN MORNING
2nd Club,14th Div,24th THU Y/B, Hanover 2, 652km, vel 978
2013 Racing Season
Equal 1st Club. Loftmates win 1st-6th Club
7th Club, ?Div,?GRPA Comb, O/B, Edenburg 1,447km, vel 1507 DBL
Equal Club, Division & Combine Winner
4th Club,4th Division, 4th GRPA Comb,O/B,Tburg,484km,vel 1729 rest
Sire in race loft to:
ZA WYNLAND 5286/12
34th Club, 103rd Union, Wynland, Van Rhynsdorp,Y/B, vel 1002
ZA GPU 05733/12
20th Club, 123rd Union, Bloem, 3388km, vel 1322
21st Club, 78th Union, Tburg, 420km, vel 1471
11th Club, GRPA O/B, Colesberg, 584km, vel 1693
TRPF 26170/11-Club Winner -Latebred flight problems all season long
34th Club, Bloemfontein, GRPA Combine, Y/B, 384km, vel 1200 rest
1st Club, 8th Division, 11th THU Y/B, Bloemfontein 3, 381km, vel 1050
Dbl-3rd Club,26th Div,49th THU Y/B, Trompsburg, 483km, vel 1842
19th Club, 113thDiv,237thTHU Y/B, Cberg 2, 584km, vel 1020
Flight problems. Put to stock.
ZA GRPA 18549/12 -19th Ace Short Distance Pigeon Y/B Club 2013
34th Overall Ace Pigeon Y/B Series GPU 2013
6th Club,6th Div,73rd GRPA Comb. Y/B,Winburg 1,282km,vel 1184
Dbld-14th Club, ?Div, 62nd GPUnion,Y/B, Wburg 2, 282km, vel 1677
Tripled-13th Club, 21st GPU, Y/B, Bloem1, 384km, vel 1408
4th in row-21st Club,57th Div,79th GPU Y/B,Bloem 2,384km,vel 1387
31st Club,GPU, O/B, Hanover, 652km, vel 1777