2nd Club, 2nd Division, 9th GPUnion, Aliwal North, Y/B, 517km, vel 1454 for J & P Lofts. This hen is from our GOLDEN CARELLY/MONSTER COCK/R80 000 new OUT OF AFRICA ACES LINE. Same MONSTER COCK line is currently on auction. DONT MISS THIS! They race!!!!!!


2nd Club, 2nd Division, 9th GPUnion, Aliwal North, Y/B, 517km, vel 1454

The dam is a full sister to our "MONSTER COCK" and "HULK"

GPU ACE BIRD. ZA GRPA 02854/11-4 x Club Winner- 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance THU O/B Series 2012
2nd Overall Ace Pigeon O/B Series THU 2012
5th Club, 200th TRPF O/B, Wburg 2, 282km, vel 1407
Equal Winner
Dbl-2nd Club,4th Div, 9th O/B THUnion, Wburg 2, 282km, vel 1744
11th Club,108th Div, 173rd THU O/B, Cberg 1, 584km, vel 1577
Dbl-1st Club, 2nd Div,2nd THU O/B, Colesberg 2, 584km, vel 1149 rest
1st Club, 1st Div,1st THU O/B, Hanover 1, 652km, vel 1064  REST
1st Club,1st Div,2nd THU O/B Challenge, Hanover 3, 652km, vel 1941
DBL-4th Club,23rdDiv,28th THU O/B, Rmond, 712km, vel 1276
Grandsire to:
ZA WYNLAND 5416/13 - 2 x Winner.  -Raced by F. Viljoen
3rd Club, 12th Union, Beaufort-West, 300km
8th Club - Hanover, 580km
2nd Club, 6th Union Hopetown, 606km
1st Club, 2nd Union Kimberley, 724 km. One of few on the day.
1st Club, Prelim 1st Union, Bloemfontein, 786km

ZA GPU 11163/13 "HULK"-Raced by J & P Lofts.
Peet Hartman, John, and Egbert O'Kelly
1st Club, 1st Division, 1st GPU, Winburg 1, 280km, vel 1177,581

Source: www.outofafricalofts.co.za