A SUPER handling cock! Linebred to the Famous "SUN CITY COCK" of Mike Ganus. This cock was a top racer at SUN CITY. We have purchased him as a cross with our own ONE LOFT SUPERBREEDER 810 bloodlines. - SEE PHOTO & PEDIGREE

ZA JJJ 210/18  " LAURA'S LEGACY 111 "

- Top racer at SCMDPR.

Purchased for R22 000. 139th Hot Spot 1 SCMDPR 2018/19 & 107th Hot Spot 2 SCMDPR 2018/19

Brother to DIANE 111 - Equal 1st (6th) Hot Spot 2, 253rd Hot Spot 1 SCMDPR 2018/19!
Directly related to 2012,2013,2016, SCMDPR WINNERS!!
Linebred to the Famous "SUN CITY COCK" of Mike Ganus
"SUN CITY" is sire to TWO DIFFERENT Sun City Final race Winners with TWO DIFFERENT HENS!
2011/12 - Sire to DV 01696-11-222 1st SCMDPR Final!
2015/16 - Sire to "LAURA IS A BIG WINNER TODAY" GFL 267/15, Winning the Final RACE BY 15 MINUTES & 7th Grand Averages, 1st Country Challenge Winner.
SUN CITY has to be one of the best One Loft Breeders in the world

Source: www.outofafricalofts.co.za