ZA GPU 04711/14 " GOLDEN CLUSTER "-Direct son to our Foundation breeder, the R80 000 SUPER COCK. His dam is ZA BPF/D 02688/09 - 6 X CLUB WINNER & 3rd National Ace Pigeon Middle Distance 2010!! Sire to winner 1st baby bred for racing.

Direct son to our Foundation breeder, the R80 000 SUPER COCK
His dam is ZA BPF/D 02688/09 - 6 X CLUB WINNER & 3rd National Ace Pigeon Middle Distance 2010!!

His first baby to be bred for racing
04836/16 - 1st Club, 1st Div, 2nd GPUnion , Y/B, Reddersburg, 429km, vel 1279.

This cock has a great future in our stock loft.
It is also the first time that I have seen such a "cluster eye" on our Tom Locks.
Not only the cluster but the richness of this cock's eye makes me excited for his future in the stock loft.
He also has a very strong inner circle that I like.
