ZA GPU 12255/14- Winner - Raced by Hans De Noon. Bred by OOA LOFTS.1st Club, 2nd GPU, Springfontein O/B, 526KM, VEL 1149. LOCK./CLAUSING/VAN RHYN CLOECK. Both parents were sold on OOA LIVE AUCTIONS!!

ZA GPU 12255/14- Winner - Raced by Hans De Noon
2nd Club, 30th Union, Hanover Y/B, 665km, vel 966
1st Club, 2nd GPU, Springfontein O/B, 526KM, VEL 1149
THE SIRE:ZA GRPA 09792/12 - 2 X Equal Winner
THE DAM: ZA GPU 12681/12 -3 X Winner -Wins the race by 8:30 minutes! Union Winner, Bloemfontein.  7th Ace Short Distance Pigeon Y/B Club 2013
18th Overall Ace Pigeon Y/B Series GPU 2013
