Congratulations to the Fernandez family. ZA WPU/D 3231/14 - 2 X Winner raced by Fernandez Family. The sire is a full brother to THE MONSTER COCK, the dam inbred EGG X 30116 TOM LOCK

ZA WPU/D 3231/14 - 2 X Winner raced by Fernandez Family
1st Club, 6th Fed Colesberg 435km
1st Club 1ST Fed (2,5 min win) Jamestown 475km

The sire is a full brother to "THE MONSTER COCK"
ZA GRPA 02854/11-4 x Winner, Union Winner &  3 X Pontoon & L/N Winner, 1st Ace M/D, 2nd Overall Ace THU O/B Series 2012

AND ZA GPU 11163/13 "HULK"-Raced by J & P Lofts.
Peet Hartman, John, and Egbert O'Kelly
1st Club, 1st Division, 1st GPU, Winburg 1, 280km, vel 1177,581
