OOA & J&P Lofts 1st Club, 4th GPU, O/B, Bloem 1, 385km, vel 1252 the past weekend. This hen is also currently GPU OB Overall ACE Pigeon. Sire T Lock, dam Clausing Houben /R50 000 ANDRE. See pedigree attached

Bloem 1 O/B GPU 2016

Our first win for the season.
1ST, 10,11,13 CLUB
4TH, 40th,45th, 52nd UNION

The winner was ZA GPU 07246/14 OR  "46" as we fondly call this hen. What a pigeon!!!
Her sire is a son of HAWK ACE RIVER LOFT, mated to the legendary 'HERMIEN", click hen to "JUAN 2", nestmate brother to HAWK ACE RIVER LOFT
Her dam is a Houben/Clausing/R50 000 ANDRE COCK Sierens line hen. She was also a top racer for us.

Her race record thus far, 3 in a row is:
Current Overall ACE Pigeon GPU Old Bird Series 2016
3rd Club, 5th GPU, O/B, Winburg 1, 280km, vel 1455
4th Club, 8th GPU, O/B, Winburg 2, 280km, vel 1916
1st Club, 4th GPU, O/B, Bloem 1, 385km, vel 1252

Source: www.outofafricalofts.co.za