Latest addition to our own stock loft. A superior pigeon. A product of mating three different ORGANISATION AND A NATIONAL ACE PIGEON together for stock. Bred from a 4 x 4 x 5 x winner. All 3 Middle Distance ACES. One SANPO GOLD MEDAL.

A superior pigeon. A product of mating three of our ORGANISATION AND A NATIONAL ACE PIGEON together for stock.
* ZA GRPA 02854/11-4 x Club Winner- 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance THU O/B Series 2012
* ZA GPU 15264/11-4 x Club Winner - 1st OVERALL ACE PIGEON THU YOUNG BIRD SERIES 2012
* ZA THU 15749/09,  5x WINNER Club, 2 x Div &  2 x GRPA Combine Winner, SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER MIDDLE DISTANCE 2010
