A big thank you to my partner Peet Hartman, who has dedicated his holiday to prepare our youngsters for the 2016 season. A good part of our Y/B team has been tossed up, and they have developed nicely.Flights have been cut,and closed them for the moult.

The previous season we had to struggle with a loft full of latebreds weaned in February.

It was a struggle, but they pulled us through.

This season we decided to not handicap our youngsters with flight problems.

We decided to cut flights nine and ten, or only ten in some cases.

Now, neither us nor or babies have any excuses for the coming season........lol

Remember, from now on is crucial moulting time. Look after the health of your babies. Boost their imune systems as much as possible, and keep them healthy.

Kill all those jockeys and flies, see that they are dewormed and cancer done.

We also vacinated for pox the past weekend. paramyxo vacine has been done 2 weeks earlier.

Time to concentrate now on good proteine foods for feather growth. Also safflower and sunflower added to mix.

Good luck to all and hope your team gets a good set of feathers for the 2016 season!!!!! 



Source: www.outofafricalofts.co.za